What was the lowest Midichlorian count in a Jedi?

What was the lowest Midichlorian count in a Jedi?

Counts as low as 2,000 midi-chlorians per cell provided no sensitivity to the Force; an average Human had less than 2,500 per cell, while a mildly Force-sensitive being such as Nova Stihl had a count in excess of 5,000.

Did Obi Wan have low Midichlorians?

Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Midi-chlorian count is around 13,000, Yoda’s clocks in at 17,700, and Darth Sidious is estimated to be about 20,000. Nevertheless, Luke Skywalker and Anakin’s Midi-chlorian counts are probably the same.

What was Qui Gon Jinn Midichlorian count?

Analyzing the boy’s blood sample, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan learn he has a midi-chlorian count of more than 20,000, which is higher than even Yoda’s. Since 20,000 is a pretty big number and we already know that Yoda is a powerful Jedi from previous films, the audience can intuit that Anakin is one Force-sensitive tyke.

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How many Midichlorians did Darth Maul have?


Row Sith Sith Midichlorians
20 Darth Maul 12000
21 Asajj Ventress 11600
22 Desann 10900
23 Tavion Axmis 9500

Which Jedi had the highest Midichlorian count?

, “JEDI GRANDMASTER and DARK LORD OF THE SITH”. If you based it in the movie, Anakin Skywalker or Darth Vader was well-known as the Jedi with the highest Midichlorian count ever recorded. Higher than even Yoda himself. But this claim were only for those Jedis who were tested and measured on their Midichlorian count.

How many midi-chlorians do you need to become a Jedi?

On average, every human has about 1,500 Midi-chlorians per cell. To be recruited as a Jedi, one needs to have a Midi-chlorian count of around four times that amount, and the most powerful Jedi Knights in Star Wars canon will have around six to seven times that figure.

What are midi-chlorians in Star Wars?

―Qui-Gon Jinn, to Anakin Skywalker [src] Midi-chlorians were intelligent microscopic life forms that lived symbiotically inside the cells of all living things. When present in sufficient numbers, they could allow their host to detect the pervasive energy field known as the Force.

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What is the highest possible midi-chlorian count?

Midi-chlorian counts were linked to potential in the Force, ranging from normal Human levels of 2,500 per cell to the much higher levels of Jedi. The highest known midi-chlorian count—over 20,000 per cell—belonged to the Jedi Anakin Skywalker, who was believed to have been conceived by the midi-chlorians.