Why do people say I have a good singing voice?

Why do people say I have a good singing voice?

The fact is some people are just born with a naturally great singing voice. The shape and size of their vocal folds plays a part in this, but so does the measurements of their mouth, throat and nasal cavities. These are the body’s natural resonators, meaning they can help enhance the tone and intensity of the voice.

Why do some people sing so bad?

Vocal ability largely comes down to largely comes down to being able to control the pitch of the sound and the main reason why some people appear to be poor singers comes down to lacking the right motor control. We vary the pitch of the note by varying the tension of the vocal folds.

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Why does my voice sound bad in recordings?

The bones and tissues inside your head can also conduct sound waves directly to the cochlea. When you speak, your vocal cords create sound waves that travel through the air to reach your inner ear. That’s why when you hear your voice on a recording, it usually sounds higher and weaker than you think it should.

Why do some people think that they can’t become singers?

Some people believe they can never become singers because they hate the sound of their voice, and they discourage themselves from giving singing their best shot. Even if you have a “bad” singing voice in the beginning, the truth is that once you understand the basics and establish good practice routines,…

Can you become a singer if you have a bad voice?

Some people believe they can never become singers because they hate the sound of their voice, and they discourage themselves from giving singing their best shot. Even if you have a “bad” singing voice in the beginning, the truth is that once you understand the basics and establish good practice routines, you’ll become a much better singer.

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Are some people just not confident in their voice?

Yes some people are just not confident in their voice even if they have a beautiful voice. Some people does have a bad voice and are not lying when they tell you that. I’m one of them. I even thought I was a better singer than I actually am even if I always said I was a bad singer.

Should I get career insurance to support my singing ambitions?

I admire your singing ambitions and certainly would encourage them, but being famous isn’t what makes you a singer: singing and writing music does. Having watched so many artists struggle to squeeze their heads above the parapet, I think there’s no harm in a bit of career insurance, too.