
Is Blue Marvel stronger than Thanos?

Is Blue Marvel stronger than Thanos?

Thanos. Literally mentioned in The Ultimates #11. If not for Black Panther’s quick thinking, the whole team would have been defeated. Like I say, I don’t think Blue Marvel can win here, however Blue Marvel is extremely powerful, he can potentially give a match against Thanos.

Who can beat Blue Marvel?

Class 100+, Adam is capable of lifting far in excess of 100 tons easily. He is stated to be in the same league as the Sentry, Hulk, and Thor. Namor also stated that the only other beings who have hit him as hard as Blue Marvel were Hulk and Thor.

Is Blue Marvel the strongest?

While he might be a relatively recent addition to the ever-expanding roster of Marvel heroes, Blue Marvel is objectively one of the strongest of them all. Being able to single-handedly generate a stable event horizon, Blue Marvel is called in to close the black hole and save the moon, and also the world in general.

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Is Blue Marvel stronger than Captain Marvel?

Captain Marvel is immensely powerful and incredibly strong, but Blue Marvel is basically a Superman character. There’s basically no limit to his strength.

How powerful is Thanos in Marvel Comics?

Thanos has a lot going for him. He’s intelligent, skilled, and, perhaps most importantly, obscenely powerful. Thanos is a guy who can go up against a being like Thor with nothing but the clothes on his back and not only expect to walk away but actually embarrass the God of Thunder.

What would happen if Thanos and Dr Manhattan faced off?

Watchmen’ s Dr. Manhattan and Marvel’s Thanos are very different characters, each one of them incredibly dangerous in their own ways. If the two ever faced off, the results would rip the fabric of reality itself completely apart – but there has to be a winner, even though a heavy price would be paid by whoever came out victorious.

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What is Thanos’ personality type?

Thanos was born with Deviant Syndrome, which essentially made him a mutant within his own race. Because of this syndrome, Thanos was purple and much larger than other Titans. These differences resulted in him suffering significant abuse, which set him on the road to being becoming the Mad Titan. 10 DR. MANHATTAN: Omnipowerful

Is Thanos underestimated in a fight?

Thanos should not be underestimated in any fight, but unless he’s wearing the Infinity Gauntlet or has a literal sack full of Cosmic Cubes, he isn’t beating Dr. Manhattan. Without the aid of any super powerful objects, or pants for that matter, Dr. Manhattan could easily snap Thanos out of existence.