
What is triangulation and gaslighting?

What is triangulation and gaslighting?

Triangulation happens when one or both of the people involved in the conflict try to pull a third person into the dynamic, often with the goal of: deflecting some of the tension. creating another conflict to take the spotlight off the original issue.

What is triangulation in emotional abuse?

Triangulation in psychology is the name for a rather heartless form of manipulation in which one person seeks to control a three-person interpersonal situation for their own benefit. It often involves the use of threats of exclusion or strategies that aim to divide and conquer.

What are three forms of triangulation?

In 1978, Norman Denzin identified four basic types of triangulation: (1) data triangulation: the use of multiple data sources in a single study; (2) investigator triangulation: the use of multiple investigators/research- ers to study a particular phenomenon; (3) theory triangulation: the use of multiple perspectives to …

What is triangulation in research methodology?

What is triangulation. Triangulation is a method used to increase the credibility and validity of research findings. 1 Credibility refers to trustworthiness and how believable a study is; validity is concerned with the extent to which a study accurately reflects or evaluates the concept or ideas being investigated.

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What is the triangulation maneuver in gaslighting?

Bringing in a third party/the triangulation maneuver. Triangulation is the act of bringing in another person into the dynamic of a toxic interaction. While we usually talk about triangulation in the context of manufacturing love triangles, when it is used in gaslighting, it can manifest quite differently.

What is the gaslighting triangle?

The gaslighting triangle revolves around a narcissist seeking validation for their truth. They seek support for their truth to create more pressure on their victims. The narcissist uses flying monkeys to support their story and it can create a feeling that everybody agrees with the narcissist.

What is tritriangulation and how can you avoid it?

Triangulation is a manipulation strategy in which one person doesn’t communicate directly with another person, but rather uses a third person for communication to the second person, thereby forming a triangle. For victims, it could become a negative vicious circle of being involved in gossiping, comparing, and feeling envious.