
Do toppers wake up early?

Do toppers wake up early?

The topper students manage to maintain this habit even then. They may or may not use it to study but they sure wake up early and put that time to use by playing some sport, exercising or any other physical workout.

What is the best time to study in morning?

That said, science has indicated that learning is most effective between 10 am to 2 pm and from 4 pm to 10 pm, when the brain is in an acquisition mode. On the other hand, the least effective learning time is between 4 am and 7 am.

How can I get to 6am study?

How to Start Waking Up Early

  1. Go to Bed at a Specific Time Every Night. Adults need a consistent bedtime just as much as children do.
  2. Develop a Consistent Morning Routine.
  3. Ditch the Caffeine.
  4. Put Away Your Devices.
  5. Avoid Alcohol.
  6. Be Active.
  7. Form Good Study Habits.
  8. Motivate Yourself to Wake Up Every Day.
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What is the best time of the day to study?

While there is really no one best time of the day to study, let’s take a look at the benefits of studying in the morning versus the other times of the day. Most people would think that morning is the best time to study, as our brains tend to be the sharpest in the morning after a refreshing night’s sleep and breakfast.

How to be a topper in your preparation?

The final months’ preparation is all that counts. You need to analyse where you stand in your preparation race, and make a final four or three month plan to sum up your preparation well. Working hard is important, but the true soul of a topper’s preparation is his belief in himself. This is one of the best habits of toppers.

Is it too late to start studying?

Although it is never too late to start, try to be as early a runner in the race as possible. It has aptly been said that if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. Always keep in mind the topics to be studied in various subjects and at the end of your daily study, make a mental note whether you fulfilled the goals of the day.

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What to do after heavy weeks of study?

After heavy weeks of study, don’t refrain from enjoying yourself at the movies or a party, however keep a check. All work and no play will only lead to a monotonous study which will eventually end up in losing interest in the subject which is highly undesirable. Take restricted but nutritious diet and keep the negative thoughts away from your mind.