Is everyone in Infinity War actually dead?

Is everyone in Infinity War actually dead?

Here’s who remained dead in Avengers: Endgame. Vision: It seems like the actual deaths — not dustings — that occurred in Avengers: Infinity War are permanent. Thanos crushed Vision’s (Paul Bettany) skull in order to gain the Mind Stone in that movie, and Vision does not return to Avengers: Endgame.

Who disintegrated at the end of Infinity War?

Doctor Strange disintegrated, but not before he could say some vital final words. Strange was formerly in possession of the Time Stone, and he used it earlier on in the film to find out that, of all many potential outcomes, only one course of action would lead to them being able to save the universe from Thanos.

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What happened to the characters at the end of Avengers Infinity War?

Over a protracted sequence, heroes major (Spider-Man) and minor (Groot) are wiped from existence, largely leaving the original Avengers (Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Hulk, and Black Widow), as well as a few stragglers (Rocket Raccoon, War Machine, Nebula, etc.) to gape in horror at what’s happened.

Are there spoilers for Infinity War from here on?

Obviously, there are SPOILERS for Infinity War from here on. A lot of characters die in Infinity War. We’re not concerned with all of them. Anyone who met their end at the hands of Thanos in the first two acts — namely Loki, Heimdall and Gamora, as well as half of the Asgardians — are very likely gone for good.

Does ‘Avengers Endgame’ have a lot of spoilers?

Warning! MAJOR SPOILERS ahead for Avengers: Endgame. Avengers: Endgame is now in theaters and the Marvel Cinematic Universe will never be the same, as there are some crazy moments comic book and movie fans will enjoy, which leads to even more spoilers.

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Does Tony Stark die at the end of Avengers Endgame?

That’s right, Tony Stark dies at the end of Avengers: Endgame after stealing the Infinity Stones back from Thanos and using them to wipe out the Mad Titan and his entire army with a single Snap.

What happened to Hawkeye in Infinity War?

Hawkeye – the archer Avenger, Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner), is missing throughout Infinity War and is assumed alive; he’s expected to appear in Avengers 4. Ant-Man – the size-changing Avenger, Scott Lang (Paul Rudd), is presumed to be in the quantum realm during the finger-snapping and expected to appear in Avengers 4.