
Can you have numbers in your YouTube name?

Can you have numbers in your YouTube name?

Avoid Numbers: If the name you want is taken don’t just tag on a few numbers on to the end of the name. Numbers make your name look unprofessional.

Is it OK to have same YouTube channel name?

You cannot have the exact same channel name (as entered in your youtube credentials). It is like with email addresses. You have to add a number or sign or whatever, if you want that name but it is taken already.

What names are restricted on YouTube?

Google account name size limits are here: YouTube channel names are limited to 20, case insensitive, alphanumeric characters.

Does changing YouTube channel name affect subscribers?

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And use your channel name as a channel keyword. And the answer of your question is, no. Your subscribers quantity will not be hampered though You change your channel name.

What type of names should you not use for your YouTube channel?

Let’s see the type of names that you shouldn’t ever use for your YouTube channel: Using long names are detrimental to the visibility of your videos. Users won’t be able to remember your name and if they don’t subscribe to your channel that will have a negative effect on the number of video views.

How many people watch YouTube?

YouTube is the second most used search engine in the world behind Google. YouTube was acquired by Google in 2006. Over one billion users. 1/3 of Internet users visit YouTube channels like yours. With these figures in mind, it’s easy to understand how important it is to choose the right name for your YouTube channel.

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Is Your Name a make or break factor for your YouTube channel?

The selection of the right name for your YouTube channel can become a make or break factor for your YouTube channel. Let’s see the type of names that you shouldn’t ever use for your YouTube channel:

How can I Make my Name look better on YouTube?

1 Avoid Using Numbers: Using a number in your channel (CookingWithMelissa85) can make your name seem autogenerated. 2 Use Name Modeling: Think of some of the brands that you follow on and off YouTube. 3 Domain Name Availability: As your channel grows, you’ll likely want to start building a brand off of YouTube.