Tips and tricks

Why do singers and actors get paid so much?

Why do singers and actors get paid so much?

They earn millions because they are earning many other people a lot of money, and supporting the livelihoods of many other people, from promoters, producers, artists, the people vending in the stands, security guards, truck drivers, session studios, (and on and on).

Why celebrities earn so much money?

Talent is different. Now that’s the basis of why they make so much money the excess of it comes in the fact that this unique individuals are so admired that they have the Power to turn into an entire business mainly by good management, marketing, concerts, shows, etc.

Why do athletes deserve their pay?

Overall, pro athletes deserve the money they get. They work way to hard not to get paid like they do. All athletes are so dedicated to the sport that they risk injury to play, especially a sport like football where contact is the whole game. The psychological stress placed upon athletes is overwhelming.

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Who makes more money between actors and musicians?

Big singers do MUCH better than bread and butter actors. A big actor can make $10 to $30 million a picture. They can also own a piece of the movie. A super big singer might get one or two million for a tour, most get $50,000 to $100,000 a show.

Are actors and singers and sportsmen more rich than average people?

Actors and singers and sportsmen (sports-people) are not as a general rule more rich than he average working educated person. The reason for this illusion that performers and sports-people are richer than the average person is because we only see and hear about the sports-people and actors and signers who are at the top of there game.

Should other “important” professions pay more than sports stars?

Some people argue that people in other “important ” professions should be paid more than sports stars. They contend that this is essential for the welfare of our society. It is true that certain professions that contributed significantly to the advance of mankind society, such as scientists and engineers, are not paid as well as the sports stars.

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Why are scientists and engineers not paid as much as sports stars?

It is true that certain professions that contributed significantly to the advance of mankind society, such as scientists and engineers, are not paid as well as the sports stars. The reason for this is that the “supply” of engineers and researchers surpasses its demand.

Why do women’s sports get paid less than men’s sports?

When coaches go to recruit new athletes for their college teams, women’s sports only get 33\% of the budget to recruit. Many people cite the fact that female athletes get paid less due to the fact that men’s sports generate more spectators, and therefore more revenue for the owner.