
Is it better to post on Medium or your own blog?

Is it better to post on Medium or your own blog?

Unlike writing on your own blog website where you are the only writer, writing on Medium allows you to have a sense of community, where writers and readers are there for good readings and for supporting dedicated writers.

Should I write articles on Medium?

Every experimental post, every nerve-wracking story, every article you’re convinced will do awfully, it has a chance to earn money when a paying Medium member reads it. All in all, I can safely say writing on Medium in 2021 is 100\% worth it for bloggers and writers of any experience level.

Is Medium good for blogging?

While Medium is great for starting a blog quickly and when you don’t care too much about search traffic, it’s terrible if you want your blog to be a core part of your customer acquisition strategy. There are a few times when it does make sense to start your blog off on Medium, though, and we’ll get to those at the end.

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Is Medium a good platform?

Medium is a very good platform for professionals sharing advice and experiences. However, Medium is not ideal for people who want to write more mundane personal blogs, poems, or short stories. The platform is simple for this, but that type of writing doesn’t often get much exposure.

Is Medium a good blogging platform?

Bottom line: Medium is a good all-around traditional blogging platform that gives you the opportunity of getting your writing in front of more people. Like our user panel said: It’s a blogging platform along with a social media platform. The downside is that there are limits on how high you can go as a part of Medium.

Is Medium the best place to write?

Yes, the medium is a good place to publish an article for those who don’t want to start own custom domain, they love writing and blogging. Medium is an open public platform where you and anybody can write. Anyone can start and do blogging on medium, it has high authority with high DA & PA.

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Is Medium or WordPress better?

The main difference is that WordPress lets you do a lot more. First off, you get more content elements (called ‘blocks’). Medium only gives you elements for images, videos, embeds and separators, while WordPress offers all of those plus a lot more including buttons, column layouts, quotes, tables and so on.

Should you publish your articles on medium?

But even if no one reads your work on Medium, putting it out there and flexing your writing muscles can’t hurt. Still, you should keep in mind that publishing on a third-party site means giving up ultimate control of your work. If the site changes its practices or goes down for good, your articles could sink with it.

Should you use medium for freelance writing?

You’ll still have work published with your name on it, but it’ll weaken the connection to your work that lives elsewhere. In order to control ownership of their work, freelancers should consider using Medium as a secondary platform that directs readers to their personal websites.

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How do I get more views on medium?

Publish a post on your blog and then repost it on Medium to get those extra views, with a handy link to your site and newsletter tacked on the end. After reading Geraldine DeRuiter’s aforementioned cinnamon roll article, I followed a link to her blog and ended up reading her other published work and following her on Twitter.

Does medium pay for writing?

Medium also pays. In 2017, the site introduced the Medium Partner Program, which compensates contributors based on a system of “claps,” its version of a Facebook like. For a place that writers may use as a back-up plan, that’s not a bad deal.