Tips and tricks

Is being a server difficult?

Is being a server difficult?

Servers have tough jobs — not as tough as being Ryan Lochte’s spokesperson, but still pretty damn hard. Whether you’re currently a server, looking to become one, or you just like eating in restaurants, we think you’ll learn a thing or two.

Is it stressful being a server?

But a new study has found that being a waiter or waitress may be even more stressful than we realized — more so even than being a neurosurgeon (or really any kind of doctor) or a stockbroker, not to mention a teacher, a scientist, an architect, a janitor, a miner or a manual laborer.

Is being a server good?

Being a server at a restaurant is hard. The best servers are master multi-taskers, schmoozer extraordinaires and part mind-readers. While much of a server’s personality is already ingrained, other aspects of service (like how well they know the menu, wine pairings and how they interact with customers) can be learned.

How do you survive a server?

How to survive as a waiter/waitress: Server’s guide to survival

  1. Make friends.
  2. Exercise regularly.
  3. Get plenty of sleep.
  4. Don’t party the night before.
  5. Dress smart.
  6. Practice carrying plates to get the right method.
  7. Survive your shift with the right shoes for work.
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Is serving a hard job?

It’s physically and emotionally demanding work that consists of long hours carrying heavy things, being constantly on your feet and on the move, dealing with a lot of people who frankly suck with a smile, and having everyone assume your job is worth jack.

Do you like being a server?

The waiter was left paying half of a $300 bill for a dinner that he didn’t even get to sit down and enjoy. Most restaurants will have the server pay for the meal, but some places are stricter than others. At my old job, the chain restaurant, you had to pay for the dinner or that was your last shift.

What is it like being a server at a restaurant?

As a server, these people make your life a living hell. They give new meaning to the term “picky eater”. Almost every single person you serve is ordering something with a ton of substitutions. They’re also asking you what ingredients are in every menu item.

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What are the dangers of being a server?

You can get hurt in a number of different ways as a server. You can burn or injure yourself by bumping into your coworkers while carrying a massive tray of super warm drinks and meals. And, as a bonus, you can experience extremely high levels of anxiety and stress since it’s such a fast-paced, go-go-go kind of working environment.

Why do my feet hurt when I work as a server?

Here’s an important fact about working as a server: your feet hurt – a lot. You have to stand for your entire shift, and so your feet never get a break. If you have several shifts per week – and you probably do, since you need money to pay for simple stuff like food and shelter – that means you’re basically always standing.