Can someone crack UPSC while doing job?

Can someone crack UPSC while doing job?

Work experience also helps score well during the UPSC interview. The ideal time to start preparing is at the least 9-10 months prior to Prelims. During this time, the focus should be on building a strong foundation, especially in core subjects such as history, economics, polity etc. and the optional subject.

Can final year student apply for UPSC?

Yes, final year students can also sit for the UPSC prelims exam. But there are conditions attached to this: The passing of the said final year exam should render the candidates eligible for the UPSC civil services exam, i.e., it should be a graduation-level degree from a recognised university.

Is it possible to crack UPSC in the first attempt?

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It is a myth that no one cracks the UPSC Civil Services. Exam in the first attempt. Here we are breaking that myth and giving 10 Must Habits Which Will Help You Crack UPSC in First Attempt. How to become IAS in the first attempt?

How to prepare for UPSC while working from home?

During Work: Brush up on Current Affairs and Newspaper Analysis during breaks from work, aiming to devote about 45 minutes for both. Revision: Revise your day’s UPSC preparation for 20 minutes after dinner. While following the above IAS study plan for working professionals, keep in mind the following points:

How to prepare for UPSC exam in 1 year?

A lot of test papers are available which you can use and can always help you check your growth. NCERT books are also a good source of information for UPSC exam preparation. UPSC does not check knowledge itself alone. This 1-year preparation tests your mental strength also. Full-timers have more stress when compared to working professionals.

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How to score well in the UPSC interview?

The answer to this would be to strike a fine balance between idealism and pragmatism. Leaving your job at the start of your preparation is not advisable as it might affect career progression. Work experience also helps score well during the UPSC interview.