
Why do people like the original Star Wars trilogy?

Why do people like the original Star Wars trilogy?

In the original trilogy, they had new characters since there were no previous trilogy. These characters became the ones that the older hardcore fans grew up with. In the prequels, they reused old characters (Obi-Wan, Yoda, Sidious, Vader, etc.) and made them with different personalities.

What is the new Star Wars trilogy called?

Star Wars sequel trilogy
The Star Wars sequel trilogy is the third trilogy of the main Star Wars franchise, an American space opera created by George Lucas….

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Star Wars sequel trilogy
Release date December 18, 2015 (The Force Awakens) December 15, 2017 (The Last Jedi) December 20, 2019 (The Rise of Skywalker)

Is Disney remaking the original Star Wars?

2019: The original and prequel films, along with The Force Awakens and Rogue One, were released in 4K resolution on Disney’s streaming service, Disney+. Color, compositing, and minor effects adjustments were made to all three films of the original trilogy.

Do I need to watch Clone Wars before the force awakens?

Yes, it may be an animated TV series that skews towards younger audiences, but in no way should that stop the older Star Wars fans out there from watching. In fact, The Clone Wars may even be more enjoyable for older fans just because of the sheer amount of added Star Wars lore that’s presented in each episode.

What makes the original Star Wars so good?

One of the biggest reasons that Star Wars became so popular is that it was unique. When it was released in 1977, it was the first science fiction space adventure to be released to a mass audience. The movie’s build-up was intense, and every single release since has been a major event.

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What is the appeal of Star Wars?

Star Wars has powerful themes, within a well-constructed galaxy and adventure narrative that appeals to the times. The story centres on the battle between the evil Empire and virtuous Rebellion, which appeals for its action as well as the injustice that is being fought.

Should the original Star Wars trilogy be re-released?

This return to the series’ roots will no doubt reignite demands for a re-release of the original Star Wars trilogy, as it was before George Lucas went back in and meddled with it, adding new CGI aliens, a Hayden Christensen force ghost, and other controversial changes.

Why isn’t the original Star Wars on Disney+?

As much as you may want the untampered original trilogy, due to legal decisions from the 1970s Disney are powerless to release it. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is going to get a lot of people revisiting the original Star Wars.

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Why did George Lucas re-release the original Star Wars trilogy?

Let’s back up a little. In 1997, to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the first film and get people hyped for the prequels, Lucas re-released the original Star Wars trilogy in cinemas, but with a few CGI “improvements.”

Will there be another Star Wars movie after Rogue One?

Locations like Yavin IV are revisited, new ships fit right alongside X-Wings and, best of all, every effort’s being made to use traditional special effects. With Rogue One bringing things back to where Star Wars began, there are no plans for a sequel because Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope essentially is the sequel.