Tips and tricks

Should I do EE or CS?

Should I do EE or CS?

Most of the things you list that you like/love are very CS &/or math oriented, not EE-oriented, and then you top it off with “Electrical Circuits (but I don’t really like to)”, which pretty much clinches it – if you don’t like “making things”, then that’s not a good sign for happiness.

Can an electrical engineer be a software developer?

Ultimately, an electrical engineering master’s degree can open you up to more job opportunities than a concentration in software alone. In fact, it’s not unheard of for electrical engineering graduates to eventually become software engineers.

Can a computer engineer become an electrical engineer?

One way is to be an electrical engineering major with emphasis in computer engineering. With this plan you get a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE) degree. We call this the computer engineering OPTION within electrical engineering.

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Why should I study electrical engineering?

If you study EE, you can blend in a lot of training in computer science. And then, when the computer hardware breaks down, you can spring into action and save the day, while the computer “science” specialist is standing around sucking her thumb.

Is computer science or electrical engineering better for You?

There are benefits to degrees in both computer science and electrical engineering, so there’s no clear winner between these two degrees. Which one is best for you depends on what you want out of your degree and your future career.

What degree do you need to be an electrical engineer?

Electrical engineering is a career path that doesn’t require an advanced degree. A bachelor’s degree will qualify you for entry-level roles in electrical engineering and, if you want to pursue it, a Professional Engineering (PE) license.

Why Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke University?

We find a holistic approach to the hybrid discipline of Electrical and Computer Engineering produces students better prepared to integrate modern computing systems into devices and products capable of bettering the world. Computer Science at Duke is a department in Trinity College of Arts & Sciences.