
Is it weird to keep in touch with an old teacher?

Is it weird to keep in touch with an old teacher?

Teachers put in a lot of work, time, and effort to educate their students. That means your former teachers have invested a lot in you. Keeping in touch with them can help them see the outcome of what they have put into your life and, also open the door for staying in touch to update each other on “what’s new”.

Can a teacher and a student become friends?

No. Teachers and students share small parts of life’s journey with one another every day. If they find something in common, are thoughtful toward one another, and through extended time, develop trust beyond that of mere acquaintances, they can’t help but become friendly with one another, and this is a good thing.

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Can I add my professor on Facebook?

It’s not appropriate to friend request your professors on Facebook while you are enrolled in their courses. There are consequences associated with a professor seeing all your posts and pictures. Facebook friendship is extremely different from mentorship, the encouraged way to build a relationship with professors.

How do I become friends with my teacher?

You can do lots of things to get a good connection going with your teacher. First, do the obvious stuff: show up for class on time, with all assignments completed. Be alert, be respectful, and ask questions. Show an interest in the subject.

Are teachers allowed to text students?

As a general rule, it’s bad professional practice for a teacher of any gender to text with a student of any gender. Students are not teachers’ friends and should not have the teacher’s personal contact information; just like teachers are generally prohibited from having students as friends on social media.

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Do students miss their teachers they never see before?

There are, of course, plenty of teachers that students can’t wait to never see again. But chances are, Wormeli says, every student has at least one they’ll miss. “They think, ‘I want to stay connected to this person who believed in me … who saw things in me that I could not yet see,’” Wormeli says.

Does teacher-student relationships have a shelf life?

It’s never the same as it once was, back in the classroom. And more times than not, it feels plain wrong. There have been notable exceptions, but those are few and, somewhere along the way, I learned that, for the most part, teacher-student relationships have a shelf life.

Why do students go back to old teachers?

“Many students go back to former teachers, especially from grades that were particularly formative, when they’ve lost their way a bit. It’s a way to refuel,” Wormeli says. The experience might remind them of who they are, or what they should be striving for.