
What does it feel like to be under witchcraft?

What does it feel like to be under witchcraft?

Constant Fatigue. Witchcraft attacks can make you feel tired all the time. This tiredness is supernatural. In the natural you have no reason to be tired, especially if you’re eating a balanced diet, exercising and getting sleep. Those under witchcraft may feel so tired they have to fight to stay awake.

Is it true that when you can’t sleep it’s someone thinking of You?

Well I have often thought about it and recently I have come to find out that yes, it is true that when you can’t sleep at times, it maybe because that someone is thinking or dreaming of you (but sometimes you can blame it on too much coffee). Why Can’t I Sleep? There are many factors why a person cannot sleep at night.

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Why can’t I Sleep?

In many folklore, the inability to sleep is normally linked to your psyche or someone thinking or even dreaming of you. This legends connect our sleeping to a deeper journey that we take. Humans normally sleep about 1/3th ot 1/4th of their lives.

Are You under the attack of witchcraft or black magic?

If you suffer from all or any of these symptoms, there are powerful reasons to believe that you are actually being under the attack of witchcraft or black magic. You can always try to solve it on your own, but sometimes this can be risky if you do not know the proper techniques.

What are the effects of witchcraft attack?

The Effects of Witchcraft Attack. Witchcraft is very deceptive and can manifest itself in our lives in many ways. The enemy uses witchcraft attack to either weaken us, or to bring us into alignment with his kingdom. Each type of witchcraft has a specific purpose and intent. It could be to hinder your walk with God, and the call He has on your life.

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What to do if you are a victim of witchcraft?

If you find yourself the victim of witchcraft, pray this very powerful prayer to break its hold over you. If after you pray this, you still find yourself exhibiting any of these symptoms, seek out a True Christian church (like this one) and have the pastors, elders and deacons pray over you.

What happens when witches make incantations against you?

Anger and frustration. When witches make incantations against you, you may feel angry and frustrated. You feel circumstances, people you care about or people you work with are beyond your control. You may get mad at Satan. You may even have the unmitigated temerity to think it’s okay to get mad at God.