How do you tell someone they are important to you?

How do you tell someone they are important to you?

How to Tell Someone They’re Important to You In Person

  1. “I know I don’t say it enough, but I want to let you know that you mean the absolute world to me.
  2. “You are important to me and you matter to me in every way.”
  3. “I think I could stare into your eyes and find forever with you.”

How do you express care in words?


  1. attentive,
  2. beneficent,
  3. benevolent,
  4. benignant,
  5. compassionate,
  6. concerned,
  7. considerate,
  8. cordial,

What do I reply to I’m here for you?

If you feel the same way, you say, “I’ll always be here for you, too”. If you don’t feel the same way, just say, “Thank you. That means so much to me” or “Thank you. It’s wonderful to have that kind of support” — or something similar.

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How do you tell someone you are here for them?

Here are some ways to say, “I’m here for you,” to a good friend who is going through a rough time.

  1. I’m here to listen.
  2. I’m here to help.
  3. It’s okay to cry in front of me.
  4. Tell me how you feel.
  5. Even if you don’t want to talk now, call me any time, day or night.
  6. You helped me when __________ .

How do you say I am here for you to a family?

Instead of saying, “I’m here for you,” to a family member who is struggling, physically go to that person. Take the figurative statement and assign it a literal meaning. Even if you just sit with your family member in silence, your presence will probably be appreciated.

What to say to a friend who has lost a loved one?

Please know that your friends love you and are here for you. I’m so sorry. My heart goes out to you. My deepest sympathies to you and your family. God bless you and your family.

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What to say to a friend whose family member has an illness?

Perhaps your friend’s family member suffered from a long illness. Maybe this illness made it impossible for you to spend any time with your friend. Let this person know that he or she was in your thoughts daily. 2. “I’m so sorry you’re going through this.”

What to say to a friend whose husband passed away?

I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m going to miss her/him too. I wish you peace and comfort as you grieve. Please accept our deepest condolences for your loss. What a beautiful life s/he lived.