
Why are some people emotionally volatile?

Why are some people emotionally volatile?

There are longer stretches of depression, self-blame, inactivity, and irritability, and then impulsiveness, acting-out, overspending, abuse of alcohol and drugs, psychotic thinking. The cause of each of these disorders may be a mixture of genetics, brain chemistry, and traumatic or unstable childhoods.

How do I deal with an emotionally volatile girlfriend?

Here are some suggestions on how to cope:

  1. Learn to listen.
  2. Say to yourself that the other person is struggling.
  3. Set boundaries.
  4. When calm, talk about what you can do that helps them the most when they are upset.
  5. Be a thermostat for the environment.
  6. Be sensitive, but don’t walk on eggshells.
  7. Have outside interests.

What does emotionally stable mean?

Emotional stability refers to a person’s ability to remain stable and balanced. At the other end of the scale, a person who is high in neuroticism has a tendency to easily experience negative emotions. Neuroticism is similar but not identical to being neurotic in the Freudian sense.

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Can a person with BPD really love?

A romantic relationship with someone with BPD can be, in a word, stormy. It’s not uncommon to experience a great deal of turmoil and dysfunction. However, people with BPD can be exceptionally caring, compassionate, and affectionate. In fact, some people find this level of devotion from a partner pleasant.

How do you break up with someone who is volatile?

The Single Best Way to Break Up with Someone, According to Experts

  1. Choose the best place to break up.
  2. Be assertive with what you want.
  3. Use ‘I’ statements when you speak.
  4. Own your part of what went wrong.
  5. Set boundaries for the conversation before it starts.
  6. Share clear expectations.
  7. Don’t make false promises.

How do you leave a volatile relationship?


  1. Make a commitment. Decide once and for all you’re going to end it.
  2. Enlist support from family and friends.
  3. Make a clean break.
  4. Don’t try to be friends.
  5. Don’t feel you need to rescue your partner.
  6. Fill the void.
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What does it mean if someone is emotionally volatile?

When someone is emotionally “volatile” it generally means that they go Zero to a hundred REAL quick. (Thank you Drake). All jokes aside. Emotional volatility is characterized by being calm one second and becoming enraged or overly sad the next.

What does emotional volatility mean?

Emotional volatility is characterized by being calm one second and becoming enraged or overly sad the next. People jump between emotional highs and lows in a mere matter of seconds. This is seen as unpredictable and volatile. From a psychological point of view.

What does emotionally intense mean?

Emotional intensity is an innate trait, a temperament. Living with emotional intensity is a mixed blessing. It means feelings a wide spectrum of emotions in a more vivid and profound way than most people do, and this includes both positive and negative emotions – pain, distress, despair, fear, excitement, love,…