Tips and tricks

Which is the latest edition of NCERT at your fingertips?

Which is the latest edition of NCERT at your fingertips?

Objective NCERT at your Fingertips(NEET) – Phy, Chem, Bio Combo Latest Edition 2021 Set Of 3 Books Paperback – 23 July 2020.

What is the latest edition of MTG fingertips?

Mtg ncert at your fingertips biology 2019 edition for NEET/AIIMS Paperback.

Is NCERT fingertips sufficient for NEET?

This book is excellent for neet preparation. It have separate course of class 11 and 12 . In 11 course there is 22 chapters and in 12 course there is 16 chapters with HD pages and chapter wise summary . In each chapter there is 100 mcq , NCERT examples , Assertion and reasoning question and answer and 6 practice paper.

What is the cost of Ncert fingertips?

I got it at 650 rupees……Objective Ncert at Your Fingertips for Neet-Aiims – Biology (English, Paperback, unknown)

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Exam Medical Entrance Exams

What is the price of Ncert at your fingertips for biology?

MTG Fingertips is a right choice for you. Also, a huge thanks to Amazon for making it available for Rs. 560 – a huge discount. It contains a whole lot of questions for practice.

Is NCERT fingertips Physics good for JEE?

Yes, you can refer it for jee preparation. But it is a relatively easier book as compared to questions of JEE ADVANCE. So you should not completely rely on it. Rather you should increase your level by solving other difficult books.

What is the cost of NCERT fingertips?

What is the difference between NCERT at your fingertips and NEET guide?

Good luck. 🙂 NCERT at your fingertips is for practicing NCERT based questions while neet guide is for a more firm grip on practicing questions.. you must first do NCERT at your fingertips and if time permits you can do neet guide or dc pandey physics or anyMTG objective book if you find suitable.

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What is objectobjective NCERT at your fingertips?

Objective NCERT at Your Fingertips – Chemistry is an unparalleled book, to let you have NCERT at your fingertips. This book is designed as per the fact that most of the questions asked in PMTs/PETs are from Physics NCERT books of Class XI and XII.

Is MtG fingertips good for the NEET?

For NEET, most of the questions would usually be picked directly from the NCERT lines. MTG FINGERTIPS have questions extracted from the NCERT. That’s why it is usually recommended along with NCERT for NEET. But, unlikely with the increase in competition, I would also consider some luck factor too involved in getting marks.

Which is the best book for MBBS NCERT?

Quora User, MBBS (2017-present) MTG NCERT at your fingertips is quite a good book here’s why: It contain a variety of questions from a chapter. It has a HOTS questions that help you apply your knowledge.

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