
What happens when sound barrier is broken?

What happens when sound barrier is broken?

When the object has passed over the observer, the pressure disturbance waves (Mach waves) radiate toward the ground, causing a sonic boom. Then, just as the aircraft bursts through the sound barrier, the air is locally disturbed by the resulting shock wave and the condensation/vapor cloud disappears.

Can you go faster than the speed of sound without breaking the sound barrier?

The sound barrier is a function of airspeed and air density. If you have a strong enough tailwind, your ground speed would be above what most lay people would consider the speed of sound without breaking the actual sound barrier. Aircraft (or any object moving through the air alone) are governed by airspeed.

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Can you feel it when you break the sound barrier?

One does not feel anything apart from the pseudo-force due to acceleration while breaking the sound barrier , if they are inside a plane. Also , you can hear everything that happens inside the plane. This is because the air inside the plane is at rest with respect to the source of sound as well as the listener.

At what speed do you break the sound barrier?

about 770 mph
U.S. Navy For an airplane to break the sound barrier, it must hit speeds of about 770 mph — when it does that a couple of things happen.

What happens when you go faster than the speed of sound?

As a moving source of sound, the object causes the Doppler Effect. When that object reaches the speed of sound, air cannot readily move out of the way and a shock wave is formed. When the object is moving faster than sound, the resulting sounds travel behind the object, creating a sonic boom.

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Can a 747 fly faster than the speed of sound?

Answer: The Boeing 747 can cruise at 92\% of the speed of sound, Mach . 92. It is very rarely flown at this speed due to the increased fuel burn required. Most modern jets fly around 80\% of the speed of sound, Mach .

At what speed is the sound barrier broken?

What happens if you move at the speed of sound?

As an object moves through air, it must push some of the air out of the way. When that object reaches the speed of sound, air cannot readily move out of the way and a shock wave is formed. When the object is moving faster than sound, the resulting sounds travel behind the object, creating a sonic boom.

How does speed affect the speed of breaking the sound barrier?

Accordingly, the speed of breaking the sound barrier changes with the surrounding atmospheric conditions. An easy example to see the sound barrier being broken is the crack that a bullwhip makes, where the tip of the whip moves faster than the speed of sound, causing the cracking sound (a small sonic boom).

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What do you need to break the sound barrier?

To break the sound barrier you need the following: 1. Enough power to accelerate beyond 340 m/s 2. Aerodynamics to defy drag created during very high speed. 3. Durable material to withstand heat and stress during supersonic speeds. 4. A carefully designed cockpit to keep the pilot from harsh effects during such high speeds.

Why can’t we break the sound barrier at higher altitudes?

At higher altitude this could be bit slower because of less dense air. When we say “break the sound barrier” doesn’t mean we are breaking something. This means that going at speed beyond what the surrounding air molecules allowed you to pass through them without further compressing them.

Does sound travel faster in water or air?

Meaning sound travels least in air, faster in water, fastest in solids. Now, sound barrier is solely related when we talk about air speeds. The sound travels at 340mtrs/ sec at sea level because that is the speed allowed by the ambient density of air near the earths surface.