
How much scholarship can I get from Akash?

How much scholarship can I get from Akash?

Aakash offers up to 100\%* scholarship on its classroom courses. The scholarships can be availed through our several scholarship tests and exams.

How many questions are there in Akash scholarship test?

Total 90 Questions of 360 marks. No Negative Marking. Duration – 2 hrs.

How is Aakash scholarship?

In this case, scholarship will be given to the student who is taking admission and not to the student already studying in Aakash….

Criteria Scholarship \%
A1 Grade in all subjects 40\%
A1+A1 Grade in Science & Mathematics 30\%
A1+A2 Grade in Science & Mathematics 20\%

What type of questions come in Aakash scholarship exam?

Aakash Scholarship Test Pattern & ACST Syllabus 2021

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Aakash ACST Pattern – Class XI (Medical)
Physics 25
Chemistry 25
Mathematics 50
• Exam questions based on Class XI, XII Syllabus

How to get 100\% scholarship in Aakash Institute?

Through these scholarship tests students can secure a scholarship up to 100\% and get admission in a course of their choice to kick-start their journey. These scholarship tests are conducted via multiple mediums: app or website based online exam from home and offline at Aakash Institute regional branches.

What is Aakash Admission Scholarship Test (ACST)?

ADMISSION CUM SCHOLARSHIP TEST (ACST) Aakash Admission Cum Scholarship Test (ACST)gives students a chance to win up to 75\% scholarship and other cash awards for admission into Medical, Engineering and Foundation Classroom Courses. The test offers students a platform to showcase their potential for Medicine/Engineering as a career.

Why study at Aakash?

From foundation to advanced courses, at Aakash there are learning modules meticulously crafted for every student’s learning needs. To recognize and reward the passionate and talented students across the nation, Aakash offers various scholarship tests.

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Is Aakash Institute AESL?

About Aakash Institute With a legacy of over 31 years, Aakash Educational Services Limited (AESL) has pioneered the competitive exam preparation. Popularly known as Aakash Institute, we have been at the forefront of preparing students to achieve their goals of cracking medical and engineering entrance exams.