
What to say instead of it was a pleasure to work with you?

What to say instead of it was a pleasure to work with you?

Thank you very much. I learned a lot from you. It was a pleasure working with you on this project. I hope we will get another chance to work in the future together.

What does it mean when someone says its been a pleasure?

a polite way of replying to someone who has thanked you: “It was so kind of you to give us a lift.” “Don’t mention it – it was a pleasure.”

Was it a pleasure to work with?

“it was a pleasure working with you” = a polite expression to indicate that you liked working with that person. You did not see the person as anything special. “it was a pleasure to have an opportunity to work with you” = you hold that person in high esteem.

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How do you say it was lovely to meet you?

Formal and Informal:

  1. 1) It’s very nice to meet you.
  2. 2) Nice to meet you too.
  3. 3) Lovely to meet you.
  4. 4) It’s great connecting with you.
  5. 5) I’ve heard great things about you.

What does it mean when he says it’s a pleasure meeting you?

It’s polite to say “It’s nice to meet you” when you meet someone. “It’s a pleasure to meet you” goes a bit beyond that — but only a bit. I think it means that he wasn’t just being polite, he genuinely was pleased to meet you.

How do you respond to it was a pleasure meeting you in an email?

You can respond by saying “Nice to meet you too” or Great to meet you too or” Its my pleasure to meet you too”. Just smile and say “Nice to meet you too”, ” The pleasure is all mine” to show your gratitude.

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Can we say it was a pleasure?

Use it in formal conversation when someone thanks you for doing a favor, and you want to respond in a way that tells them that you were very happy to help and that you enjoyed it. You can also use the longer form, “It was my pleasure,” which means the same thing.

How do you say it is a pleasure to work with you?

It’s been a pleasure working with you, and I wish you luck in all your future enterprises. It’s been a pleasure working with some of you, and I will not forget those of you soon. Mr President, it has been a pleasure working with you. It was a pleasure working with all of you. So may I say, it is a pleasure working with a true professional again.

Is there a difference between ‘it was a pleasure’ and ‘it’s pleasant’?

Strictly speaking, yes, there is a difference, but it is not likely to matter in the real world.. It was a pleasure working with you = I did in fact work with you, and it was a pleasure. It was a pleasure to have an opportunity to work with you = You had an opportunity, and it was pleasant to have that opportunity.

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What is the difference between pleasure and opportunity?

The first states the pleasure was in working with the person and the second states the pleasure was in the opportunity not in working with the person. Yes. You may genuinely have been pleased about the opportunity but have found the realiy of working with the person less than pleasurable.

What is the difference between ‘it was a pleasure meeting you’?

We have two seemingly synonymous sentences, ” It was a pleasure meeting you ” and ” It is a pleasure to have met you “. The difference between the two statements, by inspection, lies within two groups. As pointed out by others already, this denotes tense.