What are good ways to get revenge?

What are good ways to get revenge?

The Best Revenge Ideas That Won’t Make You A Bad Person

  1. Forgive them. They might hurt you, but playing revenge cannot be right.
  2. Talk to them nicely. They might be evil, but I know you are a nice person.
  3. Talk to someone else.
  4. Move on.
  5. Make them regret.
  6. Be a better you.
  7. Let karma speaks.

How do you get over losing a fake friend?

How to Get Over A Friendship Breakup

  1. Acknowledge your pain. First, know that your grief is normal.
  2. Practice self-care.
  3. Avoid rumination.
  4. Exercise.
  5. Talk to someone.
  6. Read about others in your situation.
  7. Try a new friend group.
  8. Examine what went wrong in the friendship.

What is the best way to get revenge on someone?

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Personalizing your revenge will give you the best opportunity to get back at that person. Ways to Get Revenge Let the world know about their wrongdoing: Do something public that shames and humiliates them. You can take out a billboard or make a sign or something that is widely visible.

Why do we want revenge on people who wrong US?

Rarely do we ever think about getting back at a stranger who has wronged us; it is typically when we are betrayed by someone we care about that we feel the need to get revenge. Initially, the idea of getting revenge seems pleasurable to us, that if we make the other person suffer the way they made us suffer that our suffering will decrease.

How do you deal with a friendship that has ended?

In a situation like this you of course have two approaches. You can get revenge in a methological planned out way (which I dont suggest) or to simply not get revenge- because moving on is the best thing you can do after a friendship ends.

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What is the best revenge for someone who broke your heart?

Living well is the best revenge. The best revenge you could ever do to a person who broke your heart is to let them see that you are happy without them. That’s the best revenge of all: happiness. Nothing drives people crazier than seeing someone have a good fuckin’ life. Go out and seek your revenge. Hope this helps.