How do you get YouTubers to collab with you?

How do you get YouTubers to collab with you?

How To Find Other YouTubers To Collab With

  1. Send a proposal to the creator’s business email. Many YouTubers have business email addresses where potential sponsors and collaborators can connect with them.
  2. Connect with other vloggers on social media.
  3. Ask your followers who they want to see you work with.

How do I contact Big YouTubers?

Go to the YouTube Channel you want to email. Select the About tab of their channel. If a Business Inquiry Email is given, select “View Email Address.” If you don’t see a Business Inquiry Email, then the channel owner didn’t give one. Use the email to send a message to the channel.

Can you DM on YouTube?

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By clicking the username under any video, you’re directed to the poster’s YouTube Channel. Clicking “About” and then “Send Message” directs you to a form on which you can compose and send a private message.

How do I get in touch with creators?

Sign in to your YouTube channel. Tap your profile picture , then select Help & feedback. Under “Need more help?” select Contact us. Follow the prompts to chat with our Creator Support team.

How do you ask for collaboration on Instagram sample?

My name is [insert name here] and I work for [insert company name]. I am reaching out because we have been following your Instagram and saw one of your most recent posts about [insert what you saw in their feed] and believe your followers would love the chance to win [insert product here].

How do I request a collab?

How to Request for Collaboration in Email

  1. Locate an Influencer. As mentioned, it starts by finding an influencer to collaborate with.
  2. Enter the About Page.
  3. Compose Your Collaboration Request.
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Why do big YouTubers do YouTube Collabs?

Sometimes, huge YouTubers will happen upon small fry in the wild and link to or mention them- causing a huge, one-way flow of traffic to that channel as an endorsement. Big or small, doing YouTube collabs is good for business. Smaller YouTube channels can band together to become stronger than the sums of their parts.

What are some of the best collaboration channels on YouTube?

Some of the best examples of collaborations on YouTube can be seen in the (often connected) Gaming and Comedy communities. Prominent Lets Players (PewDiePie, Markiplier, Game Grumps, etc) are all known to collaborate with one another, but the biggest collaboration-based gaming channel on YouTube is actually DidYouKnowGaming .

Why you should email YouTubers for collaboration?

Influencers are the most powerful people who can divert the users mind and change their product purchase decisions. These influencers can help businesses to boost their sales and if you are also a business users and looking to connect with any influencers then you must know how to Email YouTubers for collaboration.

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Should you collaborate with other ‘tubers to gain viewers?

On top of gaining new viewers, collaborations introduce you to people within the industry that can help you later on, people who can be your mentors, industry partners, and more. Collaborations open a world of possibilities you might not have a chance to find if you steer clear of working with other ‘Tubers.