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What is a good double major with music?

What is a good double major with music?

Languages, mathematics, biological sciences, physical sciences, social sciences, communication, psychology, business, technology – these are the more common double major fields in conjunction with music.

What is music performance major?

Description: A program that generally prepares individuals to master musical instruments and performing art as solo and/or ensemble performers. Includes instruction on one or more specific instruments from various instrumental groupings.

What degree complements computer science?

Some good disciplines for minor complement Computer Science degree include math, communications, business, psychology, physics and even biology.

Is double major better than minor?

A double major is 2 majors and a minor is less time and provides qualifications. It’s like a masters and a doctorate both provide more qualifications but one is better than the other. A popular phrase is minor in what you love but major in your job. But in your case a law school generally accepts most undergrad majors.

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What can you do with a music degree?

An undergraduate degree in music can either be an arts degree with special focus on music besides other liberal arts subjects or it can be a degree only concentrating on music. Students have the option to specialize in majors like jazz, vocal, keyboard, gospel music, harp, guitar, etc. in a Bachelor of Music program.

What are the best colleges for music majors?

University of Houston.

  • Michigan State University.
  • Boston University.
  • University of Utah.
  • The University of Texas at Austin.
  • Texas Tech University.
  • University of South Carolina – Columbia.
  • University of Southern California.
  • George Mason University.
  • Rutgers University – New Brunswick.
  • What are the different types of music majors?

    Music. An undergraduate music degree is very general,and the specific coursework will depend on the university.

  • Jazz Studies. Most Jazz Studies majors are either looking to start a career as a jazz performer or composer.
  • Ethnomusicology.
  • Communications.
  • Music Composition.
  • Film Scoring.
  • Music History&Musicology.
  • Music Business.
  • Arts Administration.
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    What is the major in music production?

    Music Technology. Students who want to combine and experiment with music as well as technology may want to major in music technology. Fields within music technology, which may at some schools be majors in themselves, include music engineering technology, music production, recording, and audio and sound engineering.