
What is the best match for an INFJ female?

What is the best match for an INFJ female?

Considering INFJ from the Myers-Briggs list of personalities perspective, the generally accepted ideal match is the ENTP personality. In addition, ENFP is also a great match as it can inspire and stimulate INFJs, while ENFJ can support the humanist function of INFJs’.

How do you tell if an INFJ girl likes you?

INFJs tend to be guarded about their physical space, except for when it comes to family and VERY close friends. If they’re finding excuses to touch your hand, bump up against you, or hug you, then it probably means they have feelings for you. Keep in mind, some INFJs will still feel too shy to get very close to you.

What is an INFJ woman like?

The INFJ female is an intense, passionate woman. She is drawn to the opposite sex, but few of them turn out to be long-term partners because they’re the wrong type. Still, the woman keeps trying. If she finally meets a man with a compatible personality and finds him moderately attractive, the connection usually strengthens.

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Are INFJs and intjs the only two personality types that use intuition?

But also consider that INFJs and INTJs are the only two personality types who use introverted intuition as their dominant function. Together, we (both male and female) make up 7\% of the population according to the MBTI® Manual. Only 2.4\% of INFJs and INTJs are women.

What is an INFJ extrovert?

What INFJs extrovert, or show to the outside world, is their feeling function. More women than men identify as Feeler personality types. So to the outside world, an INFJ woman may seem to possess many feminine personality traits. However, our dominant function is Introverted Intuition.

What are the biggest mistakes people make when dating INFJ women?

One of the biggest mistakes that a person can make is to underestimate the INFJ woman. INFJ women are often quiet and will keep to themselves, but when they believe in something they are nearly impossible to silence. INFJ women are usually very independent people, who are not afraid to stand out if need be.