
What does it mean when you mean a lot to someone?

What does it mean when you mean a lot to someone?

It means that thing was important to the person (in a positive way), as opposed to being unimportant.

How do you know if you mean alot to a guy?

Telltale Signs You Mean A Lot To Him, Even If He Doesn’t Say It Out Loud

  1. He touches you as gently as he can.
  2. He plans day trips that he thinks you’ll like.
  3. He’s always posting about you on social media.
  4. He tries to learn more about you and your interests.
  5. He likes to hang out, even when you don’t have plans.
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What is the meaning of it means a lot?

As a noun, a lot means “a large number, quantity, or amount,” as in That’s a lot of cheese! or I only have a few hobbies, but my husband has a lot. As an adverb, a lot means “very much” or “a great deal,” as in I love you a lot, or “often,” as in I’ve been practicing a lot.

How do you respond when someone says a lot?

  1. “It means a lot (to me)” is essentially the same as “thank you”, so respond as you would to that. – Andrew. May 25 ’18 at 21:57.
  2. That means a lot to me. – Lambie. Feb 11 at 15:20.

What does it mean when a guy says I Love You?

1. Saying The Words Saying “I Love You” does not necessarily mean that he does, even if he said the words first. A lot of guys (not all) will say just about anything to get you into bed, and if a woman is really into him, then she may respond to these three words.

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What does it mean when a guy says you mean a lot?

The fact that you are together for 1 year and 2 months and he says that you mean a lot for him is really the silent way of men saying that they care deeply for you but he is not yet ready for the next step. And most of all really good men hate fights – so was his way to say that.

How to know if a Guy likes you in a relationship?

Making lots of eye contact and looking at your face when talking to you is another sign. Additionally positioning himself close or leaning towards you is a big indicator that the guy likes you a lot. If you would like to know whether he is subconsciously interested in you, then pay attention to his feet, legs, and hands.

How do you know if a man thinks about you a lot?

A lot of women make the mistake of thinking that signs a man thinks about you a lot is shown by him constantly communicating with you. The truth is, it’s about quality, not quantity. No matter how little time you have together, his attention is always on you. Not his phone. Not some other distraction.