
Can your hair get curly after puberty cause?

Can your hair get curly after puberty cause?

The Hair-Do Hormones: At times of great hormonal shifts, like puberty, pregnancy and menopause, many strange things can happen to the human body. Skin texture can change, the ability to put on or lose weight might not be the same and, sometimes, hormonal changes can literally curl (or straighten) your hair!

Why would hair suddenly become curly?

Hormones, stress and ageing as seen as the common causes for changes to your hair texture and quality. The most likely theory, in my opinion, is to do with your hormones. Hormones are a possible trigger for the curly hair gene. As well as affecting the quality of your hair, hormones can change your muscle tone too.

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Why was my hair curly when I was younger but not anymore?

Curl pattern is genetically programmed just like eye color, height, and most other aspects of phenotype. Throughout our lives, however, we experience biological changes to our hair texture. By diameter, our hair tends to become gradually thicker into adulthood, thinning again in middle and old age.

Why has my naturally curly hair gone straight?

But hormonal shifts—like those that occur during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause—can alter the shape of the hair follicle. (Think of the follicle as a tube: If it has a slight curve, the hair grows in curly; if it doesn’t, the hair grows in straight.)

Does hair type change during puberty?

When you experience puberty and pregnancy this surge of Estrogen can cause your hair to seem thicker and shinier and for some, it can change the texture of your hair. During puberty, the hair follicles can change and cause your hair to become curly.

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Why is my hair curling up after puberty?

The change of muscle tone could affect the shape of your hair follicles and their direction of growth. Straight hair follicles grow straight out but curly hair follicles have a hook shape. With my hair, puberty was the when my curls decided to appear and this fits with the hormone changes.

What causes hair to change from straight to Curly?

Muscular Changes in the Base of Hair Follicles. Sometimes the change in hair texture can be extreme. When the muscles change in the hair follicle, Torch believes the shape of the follicle changes and causes straight hair to become curly or vice versa.

Does your hair become curly with age?

Unfortunately, that glory day never came for me. But why does hair become curly with age for some people? Your hair may become curly with age if you inherited both straight and curly hair genes from your parents.

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Why is my hair curly when I’m not pregnant?

So even if you aren’t pregnant, pregnancy hormones could play a role in changes to your body. Another cause of changing hormones is menopause. However, it’s more likely to see thinning hair than straight hair becoming curly during this phase of life. Aging affects the hair follicles, but it is rarely a cause of curly hair.