What kinds of things attract ghosts?

What kinds of things attract ghosts?

Ghosts and Electrical Fields Temperature. Cold spots are a common phenomenon in buildings that are thought to be haunted. Low-frequency Sound Waves. Several experiments have demonstrated that low-frequency sound waves, known as infrasound, can cause phenomena that people typically associate with ghosts. Related HowStuffWorks Articles Sources

How can you connect with ghosts?

Ouija Board. This method is probably the most obvious.

  • Use A Planchette. If you find yourself in possession of a planchette but not ouija board,you can still try to summon a spirit.
  • Meditation.
  • Use A Mirror.
  • Scrying.
  • Use A Pendulum.
  • Hold A Seance.
  • Table-Turning.
  • Using A Digital Recorder For EVP.
  • Automatic Writing.
  • What attracts evil spirits?

    Dabbling in the Occult: sometimes simply dabbling in the occult without protecting oneself will attract a demon. For example,playing with a ouija board,tarot cards,or pendulums.

  • Performing Black Magic: diving head first into the world of black magic most definitely will open a portal for negative things to come through,particularly if you are performing rituals
  • Obsession With Death: a person who obsesses over death might be wont to attract a demon,e.g.
  • Depression/Anxiety: people who are deeply depressed have a low/weak aura about them can attract more negativity,including demons.
  • Drug Use/Abuse: a person who uses drugs on a regular basis open themselves up to demonic attachment. Why is this?
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    How do you summon spirits?

    Burn a candle and meditate on the flame until the spirit is summoned. The color of the candle will greatly influence the identity and nature of the spirit that is beckoned to you, so choose the color wisely. White candles are usually designed for good, while black candles will generally summon negative spirits.