Tips and tricks

Can a neutral evil be good?

Can a neutral evil be good?

In any given situation, a True Neutral character will take the most pragmatic action, usually with the best outcome for themselves that doesn’t cause harm to others. In contrast, a Neutral Evil character will do whatever they can get away with, and that may mean eliminating another for fun.

Can a chaotic neutral character be good?

With regard to morals, the only way they can be truly free is to make decisions which benefit them the most. Some will be considered Good, and some Evil. Generally, a Chaotic Neutral character will make more Good decisions than Evil decisions because they result in better outcomes for them.

Can a hero be chaotic evil?

The Villainous Hero The Villainous Hero is the archetype most similar to the traditional perception of “Chaotic Evil”. These characters are violent, vengeful, and egomaniacal. They are heroes by name only. They fight against even greater villains, but often for the sole purpose of gaining something from them.

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Can lawful good be evil?

Possibly even a lawful evil, so long as they acknowledge their actions are definitely evil. Chaotic good is easy to compare with the actions of religious terrorism, they will do anything to get their kind of good across to others.

Why is neutral evil the worst?

Neutral evil is the most dangerous alignment because it represents pure evil without honor and without variation. These characters willingly cooperate with anyone who will further their own ends. They often seek the easy road to fame and fortune, with little concern for the people they trample along the way.

Is being neutral evil bad?

Indeed Neutral Evil can not only be the most unforgivable alignment, but also the most corrupt and dangerous. Villains of this side, rarely get to see another day but their are always ways around it. In Dungeons and Dragons, characters who are selfish above all else are Neutral Evil by default.

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Can an elf be chaotic neutral?

Literally any race in the Dungeons and Dragons universe can be chaotic-neutral….Who Can Be a Chaotic-Neutral Character?

Character Races Favored Alignments
Dwarves Lawful, Good
Elves Chaotic, Good
Gnomes Good, Chaotic

Is being chaotic neutral bad?

Chaotic neutral is the best alignment you can be because it represents true freedom from both society’s restrictions and a do-gooder’s zeal. Chaotic neutral can be a dangerous alignment when it seeks to eliminate all authority, harmony, and order in society.

What is the difference between lawful good and chaotic evil?

Chaotic Evil vs Lawful Good. Lawful Good and Chaotic Evil are as opposite as you can get in the alignment system! Lawful Good characters believe in upholding order and achieving good. Chaotic Evil despises order, hierarchy and traditions and does whatever they want to do, no matter the cost to other people.

What is the difference between lawful evil and lawful neutral characters?

A lawful neutral character will resent a lawful evil character’s attempt to control laws to benefit their own group. Lawful neutral characters want all laws to apply equally to everyone, for good or ill. They will also have contempt for the way that lawful evil characters use laws to injure or harass their enemies.

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Will the chaotic evil get their freedom back?

As soon as there is an opportunity for the Chaotic Evil character to regain their freedom they will take it. If their controller has a moment of weakness, they’d better watch their back because the Chaotic Evil character will get their own back and it won’t be pretty.

What are the characteristics of Chaos Evil?

Chaotic Evil characters care only for themselves with a complete disregard for all law and order and for the welfare and freedom of others. They hurt and eliminate others out of anger or for fun. Given their love of chaos and disorder, Chaotic Evil characters do not respond well to authority.