Tips and tricks

Is it time to spank your toddler?

Is it time to spank your toddler?

Bergeron’s toddler comparison is apt: While some parents may calmly and rationally decide that it’s time for a spanking, for many others, it’s born of frustration. “Practically every parent has had the urge to spank because of that feeling of a lack of control that comes with raising young children,” says Durrant, a mom of one.

Did Adrian Peterson spank his 4-year-old son?

Consider, for example, the uproar over NFL player Adrian Peterson’s child abuse charges for a spanking that got out of hand (“switching” his four-year-old son by using a tree branch to hit his bare legs because that’s how he was disciplined as a child in Texas).

Why do parents smack their kids on the bottom?

Instead of parenting their children, they are giving them what they want to shut them up, giving them an iPad to play games on, or sitting them in front of the television so they won’t have to deal with them, when one good smack on the bottom will do the trick.

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How many children around the world receive physical discipline from their parents?

According to an article by CNN, “Around the world, close to 300 million children aged 2 to 4 receive some type of physical discipline from their parents or caregivers on a regular basis, according to a UNICEF report published in November.”

Do children respond to punishments that are not physical?

Some children do not respond to punishments that are not physical. Children who are overly disrespectful are the ones that need physical punishment.

When is it considered discipline if the parent is not emotional?

When the parent’s emotion does not factor into the decision and the goal is to teach the child, rather than just harm them to relieve anger, then it is considered discipline. Create a free account with and join our community today.