
What were some reasons for why the Orthodox Church broke away from the Catholic Church?

What were some reasons for why the Orthodox Church broke away from the Catholic Church?

The Great Schism came about due to a complex mix of religious disagreements and political conflicts. One of the many religious disagreements between the western (Roman) and eastern (Byzantine) branches of the church had to do with whether or not it was acceptable to use unleavened bread for the sacrament of communion.

What happened between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church?

Charlemagne’s crowning made the Byzantine Emperor redundant, and relations between the East and the West deteriorated until a formal split occurred in 1054. The Eastern Church became the Greek Orthodox Church by severing all ties with Rome and the Roman Catholic Church — from the pope to the Holy Roman Emperor on down.

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Why was the Catholic Church upset about the Protestant Reformation?

People felt that the clergy and the pope had become too political. The way the church raised money was also considered unfair. The sale of pardons or indulgences was unpopular. An indulgence provided a relaxation of penalties for sins people had committed.

Why did the Protestant Reformation happen?

Causes of Reformation. The start of the 16th century, many events led to the Protestant reformation. Clergy abuse caused people to begin criticizing the Catholic Church. The greed and scandalous lives of the clergy had created a split between them and the peasants.

When did the Catholic Church split into Protestant?

The 16th century began the Reformation which resulted in the formation of Protestantism as a distinct entity to Catholicism. In response, the Catholic Church began its own reformation process known as the “counter-reformation” which culminated in the Council of Trent.

What problems did the Protestant Reformers have with the Catholic Church?

To mention just a few of the problems that the reformers had with the Catholic Church, I would include doctrinal differences, authority of the Pope, and the issuing of indulgences for past and future sins.

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What caused the Protestant Reformation?

Martin Luther, a German teacher and a monk, brought about the Protestant Reformation when he challenged the Catholic Church’s teachings starting in 1517. The Protestant Reformation was a religious reform movement that swept through Europe in the 1500s.