
How long did the targaryens rule?

How long did the targaryens rule?

The Targaryens ruled Westeros successfully for 300 years in total before the events of Game of Thrones. Sadly, the Targaryen reign came unstuck at the end during the rule of the Mad King, Aerys Targaryen (David Rintoul), who grew increasingly paranoid about his enemies.

How did the Targaryens get dragons?

Aenar Targaryen brought five dragons with him when he moved from Valyria to Dragonstone, and Aegon I Targaryen and his sister-wives, Rhaenys and Visenya rode them to battle during the Conquest of the Seven Kingdoms in 2 BC – 1 BC.

Who created wildfire?

the Alchemists’ Guild
Wildfire is a flammable liquid which is created and controlled by the Alchemists’ Guild, an ancient society of learned men using arcane knowledge and is now based in the city of King’s Landing.

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What happens to Aemon Targaryen in Game of Thrones?

The maester is bedridden and near death when arriving at Braavos. Aemon has fever dreams of being young and in the company of his late brother, King Aegon V Targaryen, whom he called Egg, and he also recalls the Quill and Tankard in Oldtown. Sam hires a healer from the House of the Red Hands, but the man is unable to help Aemon recover.

Who was the first Mad Targaryen in Westeros?

King Maegor the Cruel was perhaps the first mad Targaryen in Westerosi history. He usurped the throne from his nephew and promptly decapitated the one Grand Maester who protested.

What is Aemon Targaryen’s real name?

Aemon was born into House Targaryen. He was the second son of King Maekar I and Queen Dyanna. Originally known as Prince Aemon Targaryen, he was not his father’s eldest son, so he eventually joined the order of Maesters. Aemon gave up all rights to inheritance when he took his vows, which also included relinquishing his surname “Targaryen”.

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What happened to Aerys Targaryen’s father?

Aerys’s father, Jaehaerys, ascended the Iron Throne after this tragedy. It would later be rumored that, on the night of Jaehaerys’s coronation, Aerys took the maidenhead of Lady Joanna Lannister, who had come to court for the celebrations. Aerys was a squire during the War of the Ninepenny Kings, and fought on the Stepstones.