
Do you get weighed before a flight?

Do you get weighed before a flight?

The federal government and airlines may soon ask travelers to step on a scale prior to boarding flights. The Federal Aviation Administration said there will be no sharing of people’s weight. The idea isn’t new.

Why do airlines have weight restrictions?

Place an upper limit on size and weight of the luggage. The reasons airlines are so strict about the top-limit (23\25\27) is because their technicians are working within a set weight and size formula. There are handlers shifting it around and as someone points out, it is unfair to strain them.

Why are airlines so strict with baggage?

But why are airlines suddenly so strict about their luggage limits? With the rise of the self-check-in, more travellers are trying to sneak through with extra baggage. The result is longer flight delays and safety issues for everyone involved, including cabin and ground crews as well as passengers.

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Why do airlines charge for overweight bags?

Airlines are under financial pressure to offset the cost of rising fuel prices and many now charge excess baggage fees for checking one or more piece of luggage. Some are are even charging for carry-ons.

Do airlines weigh carry on?

The main reason they don’t scrutinize weight for carry-on bags is that they don’t need to. An aircraft manufacturer might assume each passenger weighs an average 195 pounds, and brings 75 pounds of luggage – 50 pounds in a checked suitcase, 25 pounds in a carry on. Some will bring heavier bags, and others none at all.

Why do airplanes weigh passengers?

U.S. airlines may begin weighing passengers as a way to comply with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rules. A report from ViewFromTheWing says that as Americans have gained weight, the FAA never adjusted its weight and balance calculations for aircraft, especially smaller planes.

Can Airlines weigh customers at the gate?

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While weighing customers at the gate is an option, most operators will likely rely on updated methods for estimating passenger weights.”

Do Airlines need to adjust passenger weight to reflect obesity rates?

The new mandates, which were reviewed by airline industry publication AirInsight Group, would require airlines to take surveys to establish “standard average passenger weights” for crew members, baggage and passengers via random selection, Fox reported. Airlines need to adjust “standard passenger weight” to reflect current obesity rates.

How do airline operators determine a passenger’s weight?

Once they’ve chosen a traveler, an operator may “determine the actual weight of passengers” by having them step “on a scale before boarding the aircraft,” per the guidelines transcribed by AirInsight. If that’s not an option, they’re urged to ask each passenger their weight, while making sure to add 10 pounds to account for clothing.