Are Chaos Space Marines heretics?

Are Chaos Space Marines heretics?

Chaos Space Marines, also sometimes called Traitor Marines, Renegade Marines, or Heretic Astartes, are former Space Marines of the Imperium of Man who have chosen to abandon the service of the Emperor of Mankind and dedicate themselves to Chaos to achieve their own ends.

Are Alpha Legion actually traitors?

If the Alpha Legion never really turned traitor, but instead acted as inside agents among Chaos, then it would stand to reason that in the current day they are still loyal. In fact, it’s quite possible that they are the only, or final true loyal Legion. The rest of the Chaos forces are of course traitors.

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What happens to Chaos Marine dies?

Technically according to Horus the Emperor created Space Marines’ souls using same technology as the Dark Gods use to create daemons, so they’re just autonomous parts of the Emperor himself. So after death they either become one with the Emperor or join the Legion of the Damned against their will.

Do Alpha Legion have Primaris?

The existence of the twin primarchs of the Alpha Legion was known only to the members of the Legion itself, and was a well-kept secret even from the other Legions. The new Legionaries under their command were tall and strong, and were reminiscent of their primarch, and possessed their gene-sire’s cunning intelligence.

What happened to the Chaos Space Marine Traitor Legions?

The 9 Chaos Space Marine Traitor Legions who joined the rebellion of the Warmaster Horus against the Emperor — fully one half of the Space Marine Legions created during the First Founding — are (in order of their Founding ): Traitor ( Chaos Undivided) Dead

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Who are the Chaos Space Marines?

The Traitor Legions of the Chaos Space Marines represent 9 of the 20 original First Founding Legions of Space Marines who were created by the Emperor of Mankind from the genomes of his 20 Primarchs in the late 30th Millennium to fight the Great Crusade that forged the Imperium of Man.

What happened to the Space Marines after the heresy?

Inevitably, during the ten thousand years following the Heresy, entire chapters of once loyal Space Marines have fallen to Chaos. Some of the most notable include the Red Corsairs, The Purge, The Scourged, the Blood Disciples, the Company of Misery, the Crimson Slaughter, the Sons of Malice, and The Cleaved.

What weapons do the chaos use?

As far as weapons and equipment, the Chaos Legions retain much of their Legiones Astartes heritage. The bolter remains the main weapon even when it has been refigured into a fusion of biological and inorganic parts, or redesigned into strange and baroque forms by the whims of Chaos or the user himself.