Why does Thor have an AXE in endgame?

Why does Thor have an AXE in endgame?

In Infinity War, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) — accompanied by Groot and Rocket — travels to Nidavellir, where a new weapon is forged for him: an ax called Stormbreaker. The weapon comes courtesy of Eitri (Peter Dinklage), and it allows him to return to Earth just in time to help his friends in a battle in Wakanda.

Why does Stormbreaker hurt Thanos?

We also see that Stormbreaker bonds uniquely with Thor’s powers, as it sparks with the God of Thunder’s lightning during the battle on Wakanda. The weapon proves to be so powerful that even a blast from Thanos’ completed Infinity Gauntlet proves to be no match.

How did Thor’s Stormbreaker almost take down Thanos in Infinity War?

We finally have a clarification about how and why Thor’s mighty new axe, Stormbreaker, was able to almost take down Thanos at the end of Avengers: Infinity War, more specifically how the weapon was able to penetrate a blast from an Infinity Gauntlet powered by all six Infinity Stones. The element of surprise was everything.

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How does Thanos kill Vision in Infinity War?

When Thor confronts Thanos in Infinity War, the Mad Titan has just killed Vision and placed the Mind Stone into the Infinity Gauntlet. Thanos is flexing, charged up with the Stone’s energy, when a lightning bolt from Thor slams him into the ground.

Did Thanos try to stop Stormbreaker with the gauntlet?

If he were to have wasted the power of the Infinity Stones on stopping Stormbreaker, Thanos wouldn’t be able to snap half the universe out of existence. So, he did try to stop Stormbreaker, but he purposely didn’t utilize the full power of the gauntlet, otherwise his mission would be over.

What is Stormbreaker in the Avengers?

Forged by Dwarf King Eitri, it’s the strongest weapon the Dwarves have ever made for Asgard—the Thanos-killing kind of weapon that Thor nearly died to create. As Avengers: Infinity War showed, Stormbreaker is capable of absorbing and manipulating energy, even giving Thor the power to summon the Bifrost.