Why are the same people always at the top of my Instagram story?

Why are the same people always at the top of my Instagram story?

So how are the views on Instagram Stories ranked? The Instagram algorithm recognizes who you are regularly interacting with and will then place them at the top of your Instagram Stories viewers list, because it knows those are the accounts you care about (or creep) the most.

How are viewers of Instagram Stories ranked?

ONE – If your stories regularly have less than 50 viewers, then the list is simply chronological, and whoever looked at your story first is up at the top of the viewers ranking. TWO – Once your stories go above 50 viewers, then a new ranking system kicks in, based on likes, DMs, comments, etc.

Can you tell if someone screenshots your story on Instagram?

Instagram will only notify you for a screenshot taken of a disappearing photo or video sent in a private DM thread. Instagram does not notify screenshots for stories, posts, reels, permanent DMs, or any other content on the app. Important: Though Instagram used to notify screenshots on stories, it no longer does.

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Why is the same person always at the top of Instagram Stories?

Here’s Why The Same Person Is Always At The Top Of Your Instagram Story Views: The TWO Main Ways Instagram Determines Your Story Viewer List Order: 1. Stories list order is in reverse chronological order until the viewers reach more than 50.

What happens when more than 50 views on Instagram story reach 50?

Once the views on a post reach more than 50 however, Instagram then prioritizes viewer order by other metrics. 2. After 50 story viewers, Instagram then prioritizes who interacts with YOUR Instagram account most.

What determines who watched my story first on Instagram?

It’s actually got nothing to do with who watched first. The algorithm lists those who’ve watched your story in an order based on a few different factors. The first is who you interact with the most through likes, page views, and story views. It will also reflect people that you DM with, and those whose pages you comment on most.

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Julian Gutman, product lead at Instagram Home told The Verge recently, ‘the people that show up on that list are not the people that stalk you the most – it is actually based on your activity and the people that you are closest to.’ MORE : Is Elon Musk Jesus? Billionaire reveals whether he’s the messiah or a very naughty boy