Why Finnish people are introverts?

Why Finnish people are introverts?

“Finland as a whole is easy to be thought of as introvert, and Finns are considered shy because our culture is one where we value private space very much,” Korhonen told Shanghai Daily on her recent book tour in Shanghai. “And we also give space to other people,” she added.

Are Finnish people really quiet?

Finns are not big small talkers, and quiet moments in conversations are not considered awkward. Silence merely means the person doesn’t have anything essential to say. There’s no necessity to fill gaps in conversation with chatter. On the other hand, Finns are genuine – we mean what we say.

Why are Finns silent?

Usually, they are somewhat hidden, because they are taken-for-granted. Berry says that silence and respect are typical Finnish characteristics. The Finns give others space, don’t really like active small-talk and interpret active silences to be an important part of a normal way to communicate.

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Do Finnish people not talk while eating?

It is perfectly normal. Enjoying the meal in silence is often more important than unnecessarily initiating or continuing an unnecessary conversation. If a Finn does not speak, it is mostly because there is no need to speak, and there is nothing to say that can add value to the conversation.

Are Finnish people introverted?

There is a prevailing stereotype that Finnish people are introverted, quiet, and not too sociable. There are even memes displaying what seems to be the outside world’s perception of Finnish people.

What is it like to live in Finland?

Finns are generally known to be more introverted than people from most countries. So much that visitors are often genuinely surprised to see how quiet Finns are, even when surrounded by friends.

Are Finns friendly or dangerous to foreigners?

The truth is most likely both. While some Finns appear to be shy, socially anxious, or unfriendly to foreigners, the reality is that you will ultimately find different types of people in Finland, just like any other country.

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Are Finland’s people shy?

While some Finns appear to be shy, socially anxious, or unfriendly to foreigners, the reality is that you will ultimately find different types of people in Finland, just like any other country. Being shy isn’t necessarily considered a negative trait in Finland and silence is considered a healthy time for thoughtfulness and reflection.