How much difficult is IES exam?

How much difficult is IES exam?

Competition Level of IES and GATE Exam For IES, the ratio comes to 300:1. For GATE, the ratio is 10:1. With this ratio, it is concluded that in an IES exam, every single seat as 300 applicants. This factor makes IES a relatively tough competitive exam than GATE.

What is the level of IES exam?

Highlights of IES Exam Pattern 2021

Particulars Details
IES Exam Level National level
Exam Mode Offline
Selection Process Prelims Mains Interview
Number of Papers Prelims – 2 Mains – 2

Is IES more difficult than IAS?

Both exams of UPSC OR IAS require a lot of preparation, mental strength and dedication. However, students with an engineering background would find IES slightly easier and even benefit from it while working. IES is looked upon as a technical exam and graduation knowledge might be enough to surpass it.

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Is IES exam tougher than gate?

But the competition level for IES is much tougher than the GATE exam. For IES, the competition ratio in terms of the number of vacancies available versus the number of candidates used to appear for the exam is 1:300. While on the other hand, GATE is a less competitive exam as compared to IES.

What is the duty of IES officer?

Role of an IES Officer IES officers cover technical aspects related to government duties concerned with manufacturing details, construction, building, power, telecommunication, public works and so on.

How difficult is the IES exam compared to the gate?

But GATE exam questions involve multiple concepts that too applied in the correct order.The real difficulty of the IES lies in its time constraints during the paper and the long process of selection and uncertainty which can get quite unnerving. Also, it must be mentioned that the IES exam has much more takers than GATE.

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What is ies exam analysis for Prelims and MAIN exam?

IES Exam Analysis For Prelims and Main Exam: IES Prelims 2020 was conducted by UPSC on January 05, 2020. Exam analysis is helpful for students to understand the weightage of the questions and how can they approach the paper.

How difficult is the Engineering Services 2020 exam?

Exam analysis is helpful for students to understand the weightage of the questions and how can they approach the paper. The overall difficulty level of the Engineering Services 2020 Exam was “easy to moderate,” in line with the suggestions shared by the applicants. Are you also planning to register in IES 2021 Application Form?

How difficult is the IES compared to the IIT-JEE?

Difficulty of an exam is the measure of number of selecter candidates to the number of candidates appearing, which is far far higher in IIT-JEE as compare to IES. Here in IIT Delhi more than 50\% of the b.tech candidates prepare for Ies and few of them actually make it. The IES is one of the most difficult exams in the world.