
How was Thanos able to use the Infinity Stones?

How was Thanos able to use the Infinity Stones?

Thanos is probably one of the strongest beings in the universe, then he is able to tolerate every single gem by itself, but to effectively use them, he needs a proper device i.e. the Infinity Gauntlet. Otherwise it would be impossible to channel their energy in a useful way.

How did Peter Quill hold the stone?

Quill was acting as a buffer, taking the brunt of the force of the stone for himself, but able to handle it because of his nature. The rest of the Guardians were acting as a kind of “focus”: by supporting him as a team, it allowed Peter to channel the energy of the stone directly without overwhelming him.

How many Infinity Stones does Thanos have?

Thanos completes his collection of the stones. The Infinity Gauntlet was specifically made to allow the wielder to channel the powers of all six Infinity Stones; it even allows the use of their powers in unison, such as using the Space Stone to send the Power Stone’s energies to Titan’s moon.

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What can the Infinity Gauntlet be used for?

The Infinity Gauntlet was specifically made to allow the wielder to channel the powers of all six Infinity Stones; it even allows the use of their powers in unison, such as using the Space Stone to send the Power Stone’s energies to Titan’s moon.

How did Thanos destroy the Power Stone?

Three weeks after the Snap, Thanos destroyed all the Infinity Stones, including the Power Stone by using the stones’ powers on itself, in order to eliminate any possibility of reversing the Snap.

How did Thanos break off the Infinity Gauntlet?

Thanos was then intercepted by Doctor Strange, who used an Eldritch Whip to entrap the Infinity Gauntlet. While Thanos attempted to break free, Drax the Destroyer charged forward and knocked Thanos back down onto his knees while Star-Lord fired one of his Gravity Mines which pulled his other arm down.