
Can travelling faster than light reverse time?

Can travelling faster than light reverse time?

No. Theoretically, if you travel at the speed of light, you would travel forward in time. Backwards time travel is impossible.

What happens if you move at light speed?

Firstly, the physical consequence of traveling at the speed of light is that your mass becomes infinite and you slow down. According to relativity, the faster you move, the more mass you have. So, traveling at the speed of light in the conventional way is impossible.

How does time relate to speed?

The faster the relative velocity, the greater the time dilation between one another, with time slowing to a stop as one approaches the speed of light (299,792,458 m/s). For sufficiently high speeds, the effect is dramatic. For example, one year of travel might correspond to ten years on Earth.

Does going faster than light lead to backwards time travel?

So, simply going faster than light does not inherently lead to backwards time travel. Very specific conditions must be met—and, of course, the speed of light remains the maximum speed of anything with mass.

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Does time slow down at the speed of light?

From the adoption of the postulates of Special Relativity, time does not slow down as an object approaches the speed of light, or any speeds. A specfic type of instrument designed to quantify time will tick slower when in motion (near the speed of light or otherwise relative to an observer (More on this later.)

Do images appear to move backwards in time?

In their paper, published in Science Advances, they demonstrated that if a light source approaches the observer faster than the speed of light, then the images appear to move backwards in time.

Is it possible to travel backwards in time?

According to special relativity anything that could travel faster-than-light would move backward in time. As the same time, special relativity states that this would require infinite energy.