
Why Molly Weasley is the best mom?

Why Molly Weasley is the best mom?

She has the most to lose. With 7 children and a husband she loves dearly, she fiercely takes care of everyone, even extending her family to Harry and Hermione. She is nothing but kind and giving, from the very beginning. She is a very powerful witch as well.

Is Molly Weasley a good mom?

Despite her flaws, Molly Weasley is a good parent. Her children grow up knowing that she loves them and that is very important. She also opens her home to others like Harry and Hermione, giving them just as much love and affection as her own children. Overall, Molly Weasley is a good parent.

Why did Molly not like Hermione?

Because she naively believed that Harry and Hermione were dating and that Hermione was cheating on Harry, after Harry clarifies that he and Hermione were never an item to begin with and that the news reports were untrue, Molly goes back to treating Hermione like a daughter.

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What did Draco say about Molly Weasley?

Her children repay Mrs. Weasley’s huge loyalty in kind. When Draco Malfoy waves an article about Arthur Weasley in Ron’s face, he shouts, “A picture of your parents outside their house – if you can call it a house! Your mother could do with losing a bit of weight, couldn’t she?” (13.85).

What does Molly Weasley do for a living?

During the second rise of Voldemort, Molly joined the Order of the Phoenix. She took on the responsibility of making 12 Grimmauld Place into a place fit for human habitation. Molly does often do the cooking, but she makes everyone chip in and help.

Was Molly Weasley a stay at home mom?

Molly Weasley is a Harry Potter character beloved to many. Loving wife to Arthur Weasley and mother to 7 children (Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny), she is more than just a stay-at-home mom.

Why is Molly Weasley nice to Harry Potter?

Her love for Harry was like that of a mother. She loved him as one of her son’s and did everything she would do for her weasley’s or probably even more. It was to help Harry that she sent her own son Ron on a death mission with Harry, She lost her home, her son and gave countless sacrifices for Harry.

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When did Molly Weasley have her first child?

First Wizarding War Molly and Arthur’s first child, William, was born 29 November, 1970. More children followed: Charlie, Percy, and twins Fred and George.