
Can you grow an apple tree from a fresh apple seed?

Can you grow an apple tree from a fresh apple seed?

It is possible to grow an apple tree from an apple seed. However, in most cases, apple trees don’t come true from seeds. Apple seeds need to be exposed to cool, moist conditions before they will germinate. The cool, moist requirement can be accomplished by planting apple seeds outdoors in fall.

How long does it take for an apple tree to grow from a seed?

between 7 to 10 years
Growing Apple Trees from Seed Also, it takes a long time to grow an apple tree from seed— it takes between 7 to 10 years before you will be able to tell if your tree will have good fruit.

How do you germinate apple seeds in paper towels?


  1. Remove the seeds from the apple.
  2. Place the seeds in a warm dry place and allow them to dry out completely.
  3. Wet the paper towel and then squeeze excess water from the towel.
  4. Place the apple seeds onto the paper towel and place into the zip lock bag.
  5. Place in the refrigerator.
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Do you need two apple trees to produce fruit?

Pollination and fertilization are necessary for fruit development. Plant at least two different apple tree varieties within 50 feet of one another for good fruit set. Some apple varieties, such as Golden Delicious, will produce a crop without cross-pollination from a second variety.

Can you just plant apple seeds?

After a minimum of 6 weeks in a moist paper towel in the refrigerator, you can plant apple seeds just as you would any other seed. They can be direct seeded outdoors if it’s after last spring frost and the soil can be worked.

How do you grow an apple tree from a branch?

Remove buds and leaves from the lower half of the cutting from the apple tree. Pour some rooting hormone into a saucer and dip the cut end in rooting hormone. Stick the cutting into the growing medium in the flowerpot about halfway and press the medium firmly around the cutting so it stands upright on its own.

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Do apple seeds need cold stratification?

Apple seeds need a period of chilling, or stratification, before they begin to sprout, so place the container in the refrigerator for at least two to three weeks – even up to a month or more. When seeds begin to sprout, carefully transfer them to pots filled with good potting mix.

When do you plant apple tree?

Planting Apple Trees. Most people associate springtime with planting season, and while apple trees can be planted through mid-March in most climates, the best time to plant them is soon after the leaves fall and the trees go dormant. Choosing apple tree varieties may be the hardest part of the process. One important consideration is pollination.

Can you grow apples from seeds?

In short, yes, you can grow apples from seed, but it’s not as simple as you may imagine. The more important question is whether you would want to grow apples from seeds. Apples do not reproduce true to type, meaning that the tree from the seed will produce apples that are almost certain to be different than the parent.

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How do you plant apple trees?

How to Plant Apple Trees. Amend the soil in the planting area according to the type of soil. Spread out a 2- to 3-inch layer of dehydrated plant-based compost or peat moss over the soil in the planting area, if the soil is sandy or light. Spread out a 2- to 3-inch layer of wood chips or hardwood bark if the soil is clay-like or heavy.

How to plant an apple seed?

Weed your garden plot. Locate an area of your yard or garden where you intend to plant the apple seeds.

  • Spread compost over the soil. Before you plant your sprouted apple seeds,you want to be sure that the soil is as hospitable and nutrient-rich as possible.
  • Create a furrow in the soil. Use your hands or a garden spade to create an inch-deep (2.54 cm) furrow,or small trench,in the soil.
  • Plant the sprouted seeds in the ground. After you dig the furrows,plant the apple seeds in the ground,spacing each seed 12 inches (30.4 cm) apart from the
  • Cover the seeds. After planting the sprouted seeds,brush a thin layer of soil over the furrows to protect them.