Tips and tricks

Can Aquaman beat Darkseid?

Can Aquaman beat Darkseid?

4 Aquaman. While he was a part of the JLA, one hero who managed to take down Darkseid in a significant way has to be Aquaman. This is a huge defeat for Darkseid as one of his most powerful weapons in battle is his Omega Beams, which shoot out of his eyes, rendering him weaker.

Can the Justice League beat Darkseid?

Long answer short, Darkseid would beat the Justice League, and this has happened before in the comics and cartoons. Darkseid has a weapon called “The Omega Effect” and he can use this to shoot beams out of his eyes that can destroy anything in their path.

What is the weakness of Darkseid?

Weakness. Radion: Darkseid and all of the New Gods are vulnerable to a substance called Radion. It source is unknown and its effects are toxic only in sustained amounts or after explosive exposure. The average New God can be slain by an application of Radion from a Radion blaster or bomb.

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Which Avenger can defeat Darkseid?

Thor has taken on the Mad Titan Thanos. In the comics he was able to challenge celestials, gods, even the eater of worlds (Galactus). Thor has shown crazy levels of powers in the comics and even in the MCU. Thor has also been able to defeat powerful beings, who are equal in power with Darkseid.

Who has Darkseid beaten?

Darkseid can be tough, but he’s not the toughest.

  1. 1 He May Need Help But Superman Has Never Lost To Darkseid.
  2. 2 Orion Has Always Beat His Father.
  3. 3 Grail Used The Anti-Monitor In Her Battle To Destroy Her Father.
  4. 4 Lightray Has Always Survived Against Darkseid.
  5. 5 The Legion Of Superheroes Were Able To Defeat Darkseid.

What happened to Aquaman and Darkseid in Aquaman?

During the sequence, Aquaman and Darkseid are battling underwater as the King of Atlantis as well as Atlantean soldiers. Darkseid not only defeats all of Arthur’s warriors, but he executes Aquaman with his own trident that is pierced into his chest.

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What happened to Aquaman?

Aquaman was a member of the Justice League of America and participated in the battle on Earth against Darkseid. Shortly afterwards, Aquaman went to a boat adrift in search for survivors, unfortunately he found the crew infected by the virus of the Anti-Life Equation, they proceeded to attack Aquaman falling along with the sea.

What did Darkseid do to Superman with the Omega Beam?

Darkseid can be seen behind Superman with his red eyes flaring, meaning that he had just used his Omega beam that killed Lois. This is followed by Darkseid putting his hand on Superman’s shoulder as Kal-El is suddenly calmed, hinting that this was the moment Darkseid corrupted him with the Anti-Life-Equation.

Who killed Wonder Woman in Justice League Knightmare?

Given how powerful Wonder Woman is, it’s almost a safe bet to say that Darkseid was the one to kill her. Another hero in Zack Snyder’s Justice League that would meet his demise in the Knightmare timeline is Arthur Curry a.k.a. Aquaman.