
How long are international flight attendants away from home?

How long are international flight attendants away from home?

Attendants usually fly 75 to 100 hours a month and generally spend another 50 hours a month on the ground, preparing flights, writing reports, and waiting for aircraft to arrive. They can spend several nights a week away from home. During this time, employers typically arrange hotel accommodations and a meal allowance.

Do flight attendants get to stay abroad?

And what about the perks? The perks go a long way towards explaining the stiff competition. Not only will you spend time abroad as part of your job (accommodation is paid for while on duty), you will also qualify for free flights.

Do flight attendants have time to explore?

Flight attendants have the ability to drop trips, pick up other people’s trips, and move schedules around a lot, which means they can give themselves time off or work more. Even though you could take off a ton of time, most flight attendants pick up extra trips to make enough money to get by.

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How often are international flight attendants home?

Flight attendants may be away from home for several days in a row including weekends and holidays and therefore must be flexible. The maximum number of flying hours per day is set by union agreement, and on-duty time is usually limited to 12 hours per day, with a daily maximum of 14 hours.

How many hours can a flight attendant work in a day?

12 hours
Most attendants are usually limited to working 12 hours shifts but some are allowed to work 14 hour shifts. Those working on international flights are usually permitted to work longer shifts. Attendants usually spend 65-90 hours in the air and 50 hours preparing planes for passengers monthly.

How many times do flight attendants fly a day?

Most airlines complete three flights per day with layovers anywhere from 10 to 24 hours long, though longer layovers may extend into a three-day stay. Three-day trip: Three-day trips require flight attendants to complete more than one leg per day. They may experience multiple layovers, or a very lengthy one.

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Do flight attendants have to stay in hotels?

And flight attendants will do that often, 24 hours a day, and even on holidays when most people want to be with their families. Whether it is domestic, international, commercial or even private flights, a flight attendant will find themselves having to spend at least a night in a hotel.

How much do flight attendants get paid per hour?

Flight attendants are paid hourly based on actual flying time — the clock starts once the cabin doors are closed and ends as soon as they’re opened. That means you might work a 10-hour day but only get paid — I make $27 an hour — for six.

Do flight attendants have a work schedule?

Flight attendants work nights, weekends and holidays. They have a set schedule and an on-call schedule. There is a little leeway in what kind of schedule a flight attendant can set up for themselves a month, though the more seniority they have, the more likely they are to get what they want.

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How hard is it to become a flight attendant?

There is a little leeway in what kind of schedule a flight attendant can set up for themselves a month, though the more seniority they have, the more likely they are to get what they want. It’s a tough and competitive job, which takes its toll on even the more seasoned flight attendants.