
Are shavings or fleece better for guinea pigs?

Are shavings or fleece better for guinea pigs?

Answer: Fleece smells better than regular shavings would because the poop can be regularly swept and cleared from the cage; the fleece will stay dry if you prep it properly. Any bedding will eventually start to smell. With my two boars, I washed the fleece and cleaned the cage about once every one to two weeks.

Do guinea pigs have to have wood shavings?

As we’ve already mentioned, fine dust can cause piggies to develop dangerous respiratory infections so you must always use shavings that have been dust extracted and kiln dried. It’s also worth knowing that pine and cedar shavings can contain nasty chemicals which aren’t good for guinea pigs.

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What is the best bedding for indoor guinea pigs?

The main bedding substrate options for guinea pigs include fleece cage liners, cloth, paper and wood shavings. Fleece cage liners: These are fast becoming a very popular option especially for indoor housed guinea pigs. Not all fleece liners are the same.

What bedding is bad for guinea pigs?

Bedding made from cedar or pine wood shavings has a pleasant smell that can mask odors caused by your guinea pig’s urine. However, cedar and pine shavings can be highly irritating to a guinea pig’s respiratory system and can cause an allergic reaction that can manifest in a chronic skin problem.

What do guinea pigs need for bedding?

Suitable options for bedding include soft grass hay, fleece fabric, and shredded paper. Sawdust or wood shavings can cause respiratory issues and should be avoided. Straw should also be avoided as it does not absorb urine well and the hard stalks can cause injuries.

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What shavings are best for guinea pigs?

Aspen wood shavings are acceptable to use as a bedding material for your guinea pig. They are not aromatic like other forms of wood substrates, according to the Purdue website. Purdue also names Carefresh, bedding made from wood pulp fibers, as a popular product used to line cavy cages.

Do guinea pigs need soft floor?

Choosing a safe bedding material to cover the floor of your guinea pig’s home is vital to her health and happiness. A soft bedding material is ideal, but some dusty or scented bedding materials are dangerous to a guinea pig’s sensitive respiratory system. Safe options are inexpensive and easy to find.

What should you put in the bottom of a guinea pig cage?

We recommend using newspaper to line the floor of the cage. However, you should never use it as bedding on its own. It is not absorbent enough and gets wet quickly. Not only will odours linger longer, but it could also cause all sorts of health issues for your guinea pig.

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What should I put on the floor of my guinea pig cage?

The Best Flooring for Guinea Pigs

  • Recycled Paper Bedding. Recycled paper bedding is usually safe, as well as being a green choice.
  • Fleece Bedding. Fleece bedding is very safe for guinea pigs with sensitive respiratory tracts.
  • Aspen Shavings.
  • CareFRESH Bedding.
  • Timothy Hay Bedding.

How do I stop my guinea pig from burgling under fleece?


  1. Binder clips or clothespins.
  2. Change your cage configuration, setting the grids on top of the bedding like in the image above.
  3. Try a larger swath of fleece.
  4. Place a heavy object over the edge.
  5. Distract your pigs with a tent.
  6. Provide additional hideaways to make them feel secure.