
Why do we strive perfection if it is not attainable?

Why do we strive perfection if it is not attainable?

To me, people strive for perfection because they know that it is impossible to completely achieve it. They think that it’ll even feel even better or more accomplished if they do fulfill this goal that has been so greatly desired. But in summary, we do things that aren’t attainable because they are just that.

What happens when you strive perfection?

Perfectionism stifles creativity Just as perfectionism keeps you from taking risks and trying new things, it also suffocates your creative impulses. If you’ve hit on a perfect way of doing something, you will no longer rely on your creativity or imagination to solve problems.

Why do I always strive for perfection?

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Usually, we strive toward being perfect to compensate for a sense of inadequacy. People who want to be perfect usually have an exaggerated sense of their own shortcomings. They typically received messages earlier in life that they weren’t good enough.

What does perfection is not attainable but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence?

“Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.” – Vince Lombardi. In today’s social media driven world, the pressure to be “perfect” is greater than ever.

Who said perfection is not attainable but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence?

Vince Lombardi Jr.
“Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence” Read more quotes from Vince Lombardi Jr.

Why is trying to be perfect bad?

The problem is that perfectionism isn’t helping people to reach those high standards they aspire to. Perfection is a filtered way of seeing yourself and the world and leaves people feeling lonely, worthless, unable to perform. It can compromise both your mental and physical health.

How and why can seeking perfection and happiness go wrong?

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Perfectionism hurts your self-esteem and body image This can lead us to set our own standards incredibly high, which will often lead to disappointment in our own bodies. As you can see, perfectionism can destroy our happiness in many different areas of our lives. It’s an attitude that we have to be very careful of.

What is to strive for excellence?

Striving for excellence does not mean that you must be perfect. It means that you use your talents, abilities, and skills in the best way possible and get ahead of others by giving that little extra. Simply do your best in every thing you do at work, home and play.

Can we reach perfection?

Here’s the thing: Perfection is not possible. Perfection is an age-old myth that creates more pain than joy, more confusion than calm, more angst than creative productivity. Being perfect is a farcical fantasy that distracts us from being present.

Is it good to strive to be perfect?

To strive to be perfect is good, at a price. Make sure that you do not let your failure bind you. Let your failures help you grow to become closer to perfection. We may never attain true perfection in our flawed states, but we can sure hell get close to it.

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What would happen if the perfect person could ever exist?

Ironically, if someone ever could achieve this impossible state of perfection, it’s likely that very few people would tolerate him or her. For the perfect individual would be a constant reminder to all others of their shortcomings. Not to mention that they probably wouldn’t be much fun to be with.

Do perfectionists feel that they are defective?

Perfectionists or the people who strive for perfection feel that they are somehow defective and that’s why they do their best to prevent people from digging behind them.

Why do some people want to be perfect?

People who want to be perfect usually have an exaggerated sense of their own shortcomings. They typically received messages earlier in life that they weren’t good enough. So they decided that only by being perfect would they be beyond reproach.