
What are soft stem plants?

What are soft stem plants?

Plants with soft stem are called herbs. Examples of herbs are Cabbage, coriander, paddy, wheat, etc. Plants with hard stem are called trees. Examples of trees are Mango, neem, coconut, peepal, etc.

Why do some plants have soft stems?

Stems may be herbaceous (soft) or woody in nature. Their main function is to provide support to the plant, holding leaves, flowers, and buds; in some cases, stems also store food for the plant.

Which plants have soft and weak stems give two examples?

Examples: pea, radish, carrot, mango, marigold, mustard etc.

Which type of stem is soft?

Some small plants have soft juicy stems; these are herbs. Paddy, wheat, banana and most vegetable plants are of this type. Some small plants have harder stems, with bushy branches growing from their bases. These plants are called shrubs.

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What are small plants with soft stem?

– A plant whose form is above the soil surface i.e., vegetative or reproductive, dies at the end of the annual growing season and never gets woody are the herbs. The herbs are small plants with a soft stem. Wheat, cabbage, paddy, coriander, grass, etc are examples. Hence, the correct answer is option (D).

Which plant have weak stems?

Creepers: Plants with weak stems that cannot stand upright and spread on the ground are called creepers. For example, watermelon, pumpkin, sweet potato, etc.

Which plant has soft and green stem?

The plants which has soft and green stems are called herbs. Examples- Cauliflower,wheat, rice, mint etc. The plants which have the large, woody and hard stem are called shrubs and trees.

Which plants have weak stems?

Complete answer: Creepers are plants that have weak stems and can not stand upright. Creepers are also known as prostate or sub-aerial weak stems. They grow by spreading stems and branches on the ground (sometimes water), new plants develop from the nodes of the branches and stems.

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Which plants have tender stems?

Plants with green and tender stems are called as herbs. Its examples are tomatoes, wheat, etc. Trees have their branches in the upper part of the stem, much above the ground.

Is Lemon a plant with weak stem?

Herbs: Herbs are small plants which have soft stem. Examples: Wheat, paddy, cabbage, grass, coriander, etc. Examples: Lemon, Coriander, Henna, Rose, etc.

Which type of stem is soft and flexible?

The stems of herbaceous plants are soft and flexible and are found typically on annuals, such as most vegetables, plants that grow for only one season.

Which plant has broad and soft leaves?

Tree types

Gymnosperms (seed plants not flowering) Angiosperms (flowering seed plants)
Known as softwoods (nonporous, wood typically lighter & softer) Known as hardwoods (wood structure porous & more complex, wood generally harder)
Needle-like or scale-like leaves Broad leaves

What is meant by soft stem plants?

Answer Wiki. Soft-stem or herbaceous plants, include all the non-woody plants; that is, thousands of species, like the vast majority of grasses.

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What are the characteristics of stem?

The stem is the ascending part of the plant formed by the elongation of the plumule of the embryo. It bears leaves, branches and flowers. It is generally erect, strong and usually grows away from the soil (negatively geotropic). There are several plants in which the stem is weak and it either trails on the ground or twines around a support.

What are aquatic plants with non woody stems called?

Plants with non-woody stems are called herbaceous plants Herbaceous plant – Wikipedia. And they can be annuals, bi-annuals, or perennials. Why are aquatic plants’ stems soft and light? Terrestrial plants have hard stems to conserve water and stand straight to gain sunlight.

What is the function of the stems of herbaceous plants?

The stems of herbaceous plants have the same function as woody plants: Conduct substances, mostly water and minerals to the leaves, and other substances, mostly carbohydrates, from the leaves Soft-stem or herbaceous plants, include all the non-woody plants; that is, thousands of species, like the vast majority of grasses.