
Is balcony included in Vastu?

Is balcony included in Vastu?

Vastu experts say that the balcony at home should be situated in the North, East or North-East direction. This is the ideal direction since this is the area that receives the maximum amount of sunlight. Also, the floor of your balcony should be lower than the floor of the main building compound.

Can South West be extended?

Vaastu wise if south-west is extended towards south or west or south-west is also not good. Here you must check how much part is being extended and which direction is it extended towards. Although it is not advisable to extend this portion, yet if it is completely unavoidable then you may follow the following solution.

Can we have balcony in southwest?

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Balconies and terraces should be constructed in the north, east or north-east directions. One must avoid a house with a balcony in the south-west or south direction. The terrace should always be raised from south-west and have a slope towards north-east so that water always flows from south to east or west to north.

Can we have balcony in south east?

Balconies are also acceptable in South East and South directions. If there is an equally large or larger balcony in their opposite direction, but in any case there should be no balcony, no window or any opening in the south-east direction.

Is south east Extension good as per Vastu?

Plots with extensions in the south-east, north-west or south-west are not considered suitable, as they bring bad luck. Avoid plots with any major extensions or cuts in the corners. If you must, do so with proper consultation of a Vastu expert.

Is south facing balcony good vastu?

Here are vastu guidelines for the two areas. Balconies and terraces should be constructed in the north, east or north-east directions. One must avoid a house with a balcony in the south-west or south direction. Hence north-east direction is the best.

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Can we keep balcony in south east?

What happens if house is south west facing?

Avoid a property which has a door facing South West as it is the entry of the devil energy and brings in struggles and misfortunes. If the wealth energy as per advanced Feng Shui of that house is good, the occupant may prosper during initial 3-4 years. But then may face a down fall.

Can there be balcony in south east?

Is south east balcony good or bad?

SouthEast balcony should be equal with the Northwest balcony. Slanting East balcony gives overall prosperity. Slanting North balcony provides more wealth. South balcony should not be slanting down. It dries out the finances and health. Some residents asking about, “is south facing balcony good or bad”. For them here we provided the answer.

What is the meaning of extension in the South West Zone?

Extension in the South West , this zone is represented by RAHU which is Natural Malefic , extension in this zone whether towards South or West or In auspicious and should be avoided this zone is considered for stability of the house and if extended may give malefic results like undiagnosed dieasese,…

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What does Vastu Shastra say about your balcony?

According to vastu, calm colours like white, beige, blue and lighter tones of pink are perfectly fine for your balcony. Now that you know what vastu shastra has got to tell you about your balcony, we are sure you will follow these simple tips the next time you’re designing one.

What are the disadvantages of building an extension on a plot?

Such a plot is very bad for the female residents. They will face untold misery and sorrow. Male residents will become rude, unpleasant and belligerent. It is best to cut this extension by providing a compound wall. Here are the two ways in which such an extension can take place.