
What is invented by Stephen Hawking?

What is invented by Stephen Hawking?

Hawking is best known for his discovery that black holes emit radiation which can be detected by special instrumentation. His discovery has made the detailed study of black holes possible.

When did Stephen Hawking get disabled?

In early 1963, just shy of his 21st birthday, Hawking was diagnosed with motor neuron disease, more commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). He was not expected to live more than two years.

Has Stephen Hawkings theory been proven?

After 50 Years, Stephen Hawking’s Theory On Black Holes Proven Correct. One of Stephen Hawking’s famous theorems has been proven after researchers observed ripples created in space-time by the fusion of two black holes.

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How is Gordon’s theory of everything different from other theories?

The biggest difference in Gordon’s Theory of Everything compared to other theories is that it does not start with any “known” physics. All theories of everything proposed in the past uses “stuff” that we know about. All our mathematics pertains to what we can acknowledge through experimental measurements.

Is Gordon’s theory of everything based on spacetime?

Gordon’s theory of everything has spacetime as a foundation. Because space and time are incompatible, spacetime is a false entity. Hence, no matter how convincing Gordon’s TOE is, it’s as false as spacetime.

How are theories used in physics?

1) Faulty Postulates Used to Derive General Relativity and Quantum MechanicsTheories are used in physics which are expressed in mathematics. A theory starts with postulates which are expressed in mathematical terms which are then used to derive equations representing the theory which can be tested.

Can string theory solve the theory of everything?

String theory, along with every other theory proposed so far to solve the theory of everything, does not address the problem presented in what I refer to as “The Concept of Infinite Scales”.We consider distance as a property (parameter) of space-time (and it is). We define distance as a set of points along a path.