Tips and tricks

Should you let your boyfriend be friends with his ex?

Should you let your boyfriend be friends with his ex?

But it’s important to keep in mind that many people stay in touch after a breakup in a respectable — and perfectly platonic — way. “There’s nothing wrong with remaining friends with an ex under certain circumstances,” Jonathan Bennett, a certified counselor and dating expert, tells Bustle.

Should my boyfriend talk to his ex?

It’s okay for a boyfriend to talk to his ex as long as he is doing it once in a while and you are not getting jealous and insecure about it. If he is talking to her behind your back and texting his ex girlfriend frequently, then it is a reason for worry and you need to address it.

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Why do people stay friends with their exes?

Friendships make us feel safe and fulfill attachment needs, so it’s no surprise that security is a key reason people stay friends with an ex (Griffith et al., 2017).

Will my boyfriend go back to his ex?

Yes, yes, yes!! I really don’t understand why some women are so afraid that their boyfriends are going to go running back to their exes. Evan is absolutely right to say that there are REASONS why they broke up. There are reasons why they can’t be together romantically. And obviously, there are reasons why he chose you as a romantic partner.

Should I trust my boyfriend if he’s friends with his ex?

If he’s your boyfriend, then you have no choice but to trust him completely. If you don’t trust him because you’re insecure about his friendship with his ex, you’re only going to accomplish the following: 1) You’ll make him feel like crap because his own girlfriend doesn’t trust him.

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Should you accept your ex’s request to become friends?

Use Rachael as an example that accepting your ex’s request to become friends is sometimes really not the best idea. It can be a hard (but not impossible!) situation to come back from. For some people when a relationship ends it means that it’s over and that you’re not supposed to keep seeing each other and be in touch for months or years to come.